

2016-01-13    03'48''

主播: 惜皙

838 18

It's so fortunate when you engrave on ones heart 有人挂念,真便是最好的。 I want to know, you will miss me at which point and at which moment  , I want to know, you will miss me with what kind of facial expression, I want to know, you miss me use what kind of mood . 我想知道,你会在什么样的时候想起我,我想知道,你会以什么样的神情想念我,我想知道,你会用什么样的语气怀念我 I miss you, during the day and the night . towards the sunshine, toward s the bright moon ,Staring at you in the distance. when I remember of and get in touch with you,Greeting with ordinary words, just like before. 我会在那特殊的两天,想起你。向着明媚的阳光,向着皎洁的月光,思念你,眺望有你的远方。还是平常的语气,和以前一样,在想起你的时候,道一句安好为盼。 Let's no meet the person in you memories again , if we did, even the memories will gone 回忆里的人是不能去见的,若见了,便连回忆都会没了。。。