⭐⭐MR.Jessie 4.19

⭐⭐MR.Jessie 4.19

2016-04-18    03'09''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

135 7

About love and marriage 关于爱和婚姻 incompatible 互不相容的 settle for 勉强同意 marriage 婚姻 destiny 命运、宿命 obscure 朦胧的 independent 独立的 responsible 负责任的 especially 尤其 in haste急忙地,草率的 patience耐心 It is better to remain single than settle for someone incompatible. 宁可单身也不愿意随随便便就嫁人。 Marriage and hanging go by destiny. 婚姻和死亡一样,都是命中注定的。 I stick to the idea that God must have created the very man for me. 我坚信上帝已经安排了一个适合我的人。 Though the future seems obscure now, Mr Right must be waiting for me. 虽然未来充满了不确定,但是我的白马王子一定正在某个地方等着我。 As an independent lady, I should be responsible for my choice; especially the choice about my marriage is of vital importance either for me or for my partner. 作为一名独立的女性,我应该对自己的选择负责,尤其是婚姻,因为它不论对于自己还是另一半都是至关重要的。 I don't want to marry someone in haste just because my peers have got married. 我不希望自己是因为看到同龄好友嫁了人才犹犹豫豫勉强选择结婚。 I am sure he must be busy on the way, too. All that I need to do now is to wait with patience. 我一直都相信我的那个"他"也在忙碌地寻找着我,而我现在需要做的就是耐心等待。