🌟🌟🌟4.18 MR Joy-美文欣赏-25岁前要做的25件事1-4

🌟🌟🌟4.18 MR Joy-美文欣赏-25岁前要做的25件事1-4

2016-04-17    06'38''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

528 4

25岁前一定要尝试的25件事 1-4 New words favorite[‘fevərit] adj. 喜爱的 experience[ik’spiriəns] n. 体验 atmosphere[‘ætməsfir] n. 气氛 crowd[kraud] n. 一群 funding[‘fʌndiŋ] v. 提供资金 responsibility[rispa:nsə’biləti] n. 责任 developing[di’veləpiŋ] n. 发展 continent[ika:ntinənt] n. 大陆 exposure[ik’spoʒə(r)] n. 接触 climes[ klaimz ] n. 气候 broaden[‘brɔ:dn] v. 扩宽 attitude[‘ætitu:d] n. 态度 tolerance[‘ta:lərəns] n. 耐性 furnish[‘fə:rniʃ] v. 提供 adrenaline[ə'drenəlin] n. 兴奋 terrify[‘terəfai] v. 使恐惧 immensely[‘imensli] adv. 极大地 1. Go to a Music Festival.  去听一次演唱会 See your favorite[‘fevərit] bands play live; experience[ik’spiriəns] the atmosphere[‘ætməsfir], the fashions and the micro-culture of life in a large field with a crowd[kraud] of people all there to enjoy the experience.  去听最爱的乐队现场吧。感受那种气氛、那种时尚、那种小众的文化,在广阔的场地上,和大伙儿们一起享受其中。 2. Buy Dinner for Your Parents.  请父母吃顿饭 Your parents may have been funding[‘fʌndiŋ] your life for years, so now you can experience the joy of repaying their kindness, love, and responsibility[rispa:nsə’biləti], and of developing[di’veləpiŋ] an adult relationship with them. Taking them out for dinner, and picking up the bill, is one of the ways of doing this.  你的父母也许已资助你生活了许多年,所以现在是该对他们的善意、爱、责任进行甜蜜回报的时候了。同时,这也是与他们建立成年人间的关系的时刻。带他们出去吃顿好的,你来买单——这绝对是个好主意。 3. Travel to Another Continent[ika:ntinənt]  出国旅行 Traveling, with the exposure[ik’spoʒə(r)] to different climes[ klaimz ], cultures, and peoples, broadens[‘brɔ:dn] the mind, helps develop life skills, and makes for more open attitudes[‘ætitu:d] and tolerance[‘ta:lərəns]. However open-minded you are, there’s nothing like experiencing a different way of life firsthand. It also furnishes[‘fə:rniʃ] you with some great dinner party stories!  旅行意味着体验别种气候、文化和人民,能拓宽视野、帮你学习新的生存技巧,及磨练你的态度及耐心。无论你是否思想开放,没什么比去尝试一种全新生活更棒的体验方式了。更不用说,一次旅行能给你增加许多在派对上的谈资哟! 4. Try an Adrenaline[ə'drenəlin] Sport.  尝试一种刺激的运动 You could try sky diving, white water rafting or bungee jumping. Pushing your comfort zone and trying something like this may terrify[‘terəfai] you, but you’ll feel immensely[‘imensli] proud of overcoming your fear.  比如跳伞、漂流或蹦极!也许这些把你推出舒适区的运动让你觉得有些恐惧,但很快你将为自己的突破而感到自豪无比!