🌟🌟🌟4.17 MR Joy-美文欣赏-为生活腾点空间

🌟🌟🌟4.17 MR Joy-美文欣赏-为生活腾点空间

2016-04-17    05'33''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

169 8

美文欣赏:为生活腾点空间 New words: wasted['westid] v. 浪费 refreshing[rifreʃiŋ] v. 使振作 consciously[‘kɑnʃəsli] adv. 自觉地 environment[ɛn’vairənmənt] n. 环境 Intrigue[in’trig] v. 激起…的好奇心 despise[di’spaiz] v. 鄙视 Inspire[in’spair] v. 激励 motivate[‘məutiveit] v. 刺激 domestic[də’mestik] n. 佣人 dread[dred] n. 恐惧 If you want something new and different in your life, you must first make room it by moving out the old. The question is: Where do you start to begin to make room for these things? You may find the answer here.  如果你想体验新鲜的东西,首先必须挪出旧的东西,腾出空间。问题是:你该从哪儿着手为这些东西腾出空间?马上你就可以找到答案。  1. Time.时间  How do you spend your time? Is it wasted['westid] time, or refreshing[rifreʃiŋ] time? Does it take you toward your goals, or away from them? Are you consciously[‘kɑnʃəsli] spending time, or just letting it happen?  你的时间是怎么度过的?你是在浪费时间还是在充分利用它?它让你更靠近目标,还是让你更加远离目标呢?你是自觉安排时间还是只是顺其自然?  2. Environment.环境  What no longer is working for you in your environment[ɛn’vairənmənt]? Are there unfinished projects that were important at one time, but no longer intrigue[in’trig] you? When you look around, does your environment make you feel good?  在你周围什么东西已经没有价值了?是否有曾经很吸引你,如今却不再能激起你兴趣且尚未完成的工作?环视四周,环境是否让你感觉不错?  3. Thinking.思考  Do you talk to yourself like your best friend? Or do you talk to yourself like the neighbor you despise?[di’spaiz] Do your thoughts inspire[in’spair] and motivate[‘məutiveit] you or hold you back from your best self?  你是否像朋友一样与自己交谈呢?还是像和你讨厌的邻居那样谈话?你的想法会赋予你灵感、激励你还是阻止你做最好的自己?  4. Work.工作  Do you feel fulfilled and happy about your work, whether that's a domestic[də’mestik], or CEO? Or do you dread[dred] doing the work, and just count the minutes until time off?  无论你是家庭保姆还是执行总裁,你能从工作中获得满足和幸福吗?你是否对工作充满恐惧,并且只是熬时间等下班呢?  Once you have made the room for new things, adding what you really want will give you pleasure and fulfillment.  一旦你为新的东西腾出了空间,并且加入你真正想要的东西,那便会给你带来快乐和满足感。