

2016-02-10    02'06''

主播: sexymama

783 32

Sexist? Heck, yes. But true. I am not here to sugarcoat the male mind or make excuses. Agree or disagree, it is your choice. Fight against what I am saying and YOU will wind up on the losing side. 你说我有性别歧视?必须啊。男女有别是真相啊。我没有美化男人的想法,也没有为男人找借口。同不同意我的观点,是你的选择。只是如果你不愿意照着我说的去做,你的感情终将失败! Embrace and understand what I am saying AND use it to YOUR full advantage and YOU will change your life! 消化吸收我的理论,充分利用,你的感情生活会大为改观! Remember, just because men love in different ways doesn’t mean men can’t change diapers, wash clothes or cook meals. So please don’t send me the hate mail! 记住,男人爱的方式和女人不同并不意味着他们不能换尿布、洗衣服或做饭。所以你们不要写信来骂我,好吗! Men can do those things. In fact, if we are “complete men” we want to do ALL these things. My point is many women force their guy to do these things and take away their duties he needs to do because they don’t understand the male mind. 男人可以做家务。一个成熟的真男人会愿意做所有这些家务。只是,很多女人不了解男人的想法一味逼着男人去做家务,使得他们不能行使男人的义务。 If you constantly make the plans for the evening, tell him what he is doing wrong in the bedroom, dress him and expect him to change the diapers, you will make him impotent and slowly destroy our self-worth. 如果下班之后做什么一向是你来做主,经常对他OOXX的技术表示不满,他穿什么衣服也要听你的,希望他给宝宝换尿布,那么你会让你的男人感到无能,慢慢毁掉他的自我价值。 Destroy a man’s self-worth and you destroy the relationship! 毁掉男人的自我价值,也就毁掉了你们的爱情! You must let men be MEN. Even if YOU are the boss in the relationship. Let him take out the garbage and make the plans sometimes. Let him wear the shirt you hate. Humor him and tell him he is a great lover and “steer” him to being a great lover; 你必须让男人做男人!就算你俩之间你是攻,你也要让他去干点粗重活,给几次机会让他做主。让他自己选衣服,丑得一B也忍了。对他说“老公,你好腻害~~”“亲爱哒,你太棒啦~”让他心甘情愿更爱你。 “Gregg, that feels awesome, now go just a bit slower.” OOXX不满的时候可以这样说“key摸七,Gregg,稍微慢一点。” Am I making sense? 有道理不? QQ:175562661 微信:sexymamaAE sto sexymama美语发音课程链接http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=520100734382 orz