

2016-02-28    01'21''

主播: sexymama

538 14

4) Taking on Responsibility 4、你是他的责任 This is another big one. When a man helps you with boring stuff, he is probably starting to fall in love with you. Let’s face it, moving your furniture to a new apartment is no fun for any man. Bringing you soup when your breath stinks and your make-up is all over the place because you are sick with the flu means he loves you. These are positive signs of a guy showing you his love. 这是另一个非常重要的表现。愿意帮你干比如搬家之类的苦活累活,基本说明他已经爱上你了。不爱你吃饱了撑得帮你干啊?你感冒了躺在床上蓬头垢面,口气“粪”芳,他仍然伺候你,给你端茶倒水,就是他爱你的最好表现 Buying a car and the salesman is treating you like crap Watch as he takes control, wastes that salesman and get you that car cheap. 还有比如当你去买车,车行想把你当凯子骗,他会站出来,搞定那个销售,低价帮你把车子拿下。都是他对你的责任对你的爱 QQ:175562661 微信:sexymamaAE sexymama美语发音课程链接 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=520100734382