高中英语单词 unit1

高中英语单词 unit1

2015-11-06    25'29''

主播: 猫小兽❤️

148 1

下面是单词,要听完再核对哦。。打*号的是我单词本上打三角包的。有的地名我没有读,还有的打*我觉得有必要记的我会读。 都要好好的*录地不好,见谅。 Unit 1 survey add up upset ignore calm calm...down have got to concern be concerned about walk the dog loose vet go through *Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 Netherlands *Jewish (adj)犹太人的 German *Nazi(n,纳粹党人。adj,纳粹党的) set down series a series of *kitty基蒂 outdoors *spellbind迷惑 on purpose in order to dusk at dusk thunder entire entirely power face to face curtain dusty on longer/not any longer partner settle suffer suffer from loneliness highway recover get/be tired of pack pack (sth)up suitcase *Margot玛戈 overcoat teenager get along with *gossip fall in love exactly disagree grateful dislike join in tip *secondly swap item