

2016-06-09    04'32''

主播: 口语大魔王

280 15

In ancient time, there was a great poet called Qu Yuan, he couldn't bear the anguish when his mother land was invaded,so he drowned himself in the river. 在古代,有一位叫做屈原的诗人,他不能容忍自己国家被侵略,于是他就投河自尽了。 Local residents road boats to salvaging and drop the rice balls into the river to distract the fish's attention from Qu's body, later people memorialize Qu's patriotism ['petrɪətɪzəm] by rowing and making Zongzi on the dragon boat festival. That's how the tradition of dragon boat racing and eating zongzi were started. 当地的居民沿着他投河的踪迹去打捞他的尸体不成就往河里投粽子,以此来吸引鱼的注意力不要去吃屈原的尸体。人们随后就用吃粽子和赛龙舟的方式来祭奠屈原。
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