

2016-10-02    01'09''

主播: 邁悅

10 2

Section 36 将欲歙之,必固张之;将欲弱之,必固强之;将欲废之,必固兴之;将欲夺之,必固与之。是谓微明。柔弱胜刚强。鱼不可脱于渊,国之利器不可以示人。 If you intend to close it, You must first open it; If you intend to weaken it, You must first strengthen it; If you intend to cast it out, You must first to flourish it; If you intend to take it, You must first give it. This is called subtle wisdom. Soft and weak overcome hard and strong. Fish cannot leave deep water. A country’s sharp weapons cannot be revealed.