

2016-11-24    07'33''

主播: Nick Yan

1941 22

NICK老师微信号: 1290712928, 欢迎交流,举办校园英语讲座 The American Thanksgiving holiday is on Thursday.Many people will gather with family members for a big meal.It is a time to celebrate family, friends and everything there is to be thankful for. 周四就是美国的感恩节了。人们会和家人欢聚一堂,享用大餐。那天是庆祝家人、朋友以及一切值得感恩之事的时候。 The traditional Thanksgiving meal often involves cooking a large bird called a turkey,and many other foods such as stuffing, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. 传统的感恩节食物是烹饪火鸡,还有放入火鸡中的填料,土豆泥以及南瓜派。 But some people do not look forward to spending a lot of time with their family.It can be stressful. 但一些人并不期望和家人待太久。感觉很有压力。 Family members can start arguments with each other.Some people at the meal may have conflicting political beliefs. 家庭成员可能会彼此争论。吃饭时可能会因为政治信仰的分歧产生争执。 Conflict can even find its way into the kitchen, where all the cooking takes place. 争执可能出现在厨房,烹饪大餐的地方。 There is a saying called “too many cooks in the kitchen,” or “too many cooks spoil the broth.”This means that, sometimes, if many people are involved in a project,it does not turn out as well as it could have if only one person were in charge. 俗话说:“厨房里太多厨师”,或者说“人多反误事”。这句话的意思是,如果有太多人参与到一个项目里,结果往往不如一个人负责得好。 That is why people are proposing Thanksgiving survival strategies using the hashtag #SurvivalGuideToThanksgiving (on Twitter.) 这也是为什么人们都在推特上以“感恩节生存指南”为标签,发表感恩节和谐相处的技巧。 Rick Irwin had an idea.“Say that you’re letting the dog out and use it as an excuse to disappear for several hours.” 里克·欧文有一个点子。“说你去遛狗了,然后作为借口可以消失几小时。” Tracy Brooks had a suggestion for limiting Thanksgiving dinner responsibilities.She wrote: “Be the last to arrive and the first to leave.” 特蕾西·布鲁克斯有一个逃脱感恩节晚餐任务的建议。她写道:“最后一个来,第一个走” 。 Since there is so much food at the Thanksgiving meal,Christine Turner suggested forgetting about your diet and wearing loose clothing. 因为感恩节晚餐有很多食物,克里斯汀·特纳建议忘掉你在节食,穿宽松点的衣服。 But, one fitness enthusiast said people do not have to give up on their diets during the big meal.They can prepare foods that have fewer calories.For example, they could bake some foods instead of frying them in oil.They could also mash cauliflower instead of potatoes. 但一位健身爱好者说,人们不应该在大餐面前放弃自己的饮食计划。他们可以准备低卡路里的食物。例如可以用烘焙食物代替油炸食品。人们也可以用花椰菜泥代替土豆泥。 But other people are looking forward to the holiday. 但还有很多人期待着这个节日。 Sara Marie Brenner wondered why people need to “survive” Thanksgiving, at all.She wrote: “I enjoy the holiday.” 萨拉·玛丽·布伦纳很纳闷,人们为什么要用“生存”这个词来修饰感恩节。她写道:“我很享受这个节日。”