Issue 37 为什么国外的gluten free那么火

Issue 37 为什么国外的gluten free那么火

2016-09-09    07'22''

主播: EffieCai

118 8

GF: gluten free 无麸质/无面筋/无谷蛋白 面筋是面粉中的一类蛋白质。用全麦粉活一个面团,用纱布包裹,然后在流水中不断地揉搓,最后剩下的就是面筋。 6 Reasons Why Gluten is Bad For Some People 1. Celiac Disease is on The Rise and Most People Remain Undiagnosed 2. Gluten Sensitivity is Much More Common and Can Also Have Serious Consequences 3. Gluten May Cause Adverse Effects, Even in People Who Don&`&t Have Gluten Sensitivity 4. Many Brain Disorders Are Associated With Gluten and Patients See Dramatic Improvements on a Gluten-Free Diet 5. Wheat Gluten May be Addictive 6. Gluten is Associated With Autoimmune Diseases