Red Eye=红眼睛?Dead eye=死亡之眼?其实…

Red Eye=红眼睛?Dead eye=死亡之眼?其实…

2019-06-05    03'24''

主播: 意趣英语

4772 31

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 Frappé coffee 希腊法拉沛咖啡 Another name for this drink is Greek iced coffee because it was invented in Greece by a Greek who happended to work for Nescafe. 这种饮品的另一个名字是希腊冰咖啡,因为它是由一个希腊人在希腊的雀巢咖啡工作时发明的。 The drink is traditionally made with Nescafe instant coffee, water, and sugar. 这种饮料传统上由雀巢速溶咖啡、水和糖制成。 What makes it unique is that it's made with cold water and ice cubes and is shaken. 它的独特之处在于,它是加入冷水和冰块并摇匀后制成的 Vienna coffee 维也纳咖啡 It's a traditional cream-based coffee made with two shots of espresso and topped with whipped cream. 这是一种传统的奶油咖啡,它是有两个浓缩咖啡配上打发的奶油做成的。 This coffee was the drink of choice for Viennese coach drivers. 这款饮品是维也纳司机教练的首选饮品。 The coffee would keep their hands warm on a cold night and the whipped cream acted as an insulator for the coffee below. 这种咖啡可以让他们在寒冷的夜晚保持双手温暖,并且上面的奶油充当了下面咖啡的绝缘体。 The cream also prevented the coffee from spilling out on a bumpy ride. 奶油还可以防止咖啡在颠簸的路上被洒出来。 Cortado 可塔朵 The Cortado originates from Spain. It contains a shot of espresso and an equal amount of warm milk. 可塔朵起源于西班牙。它里面有一个浓缩咖啡和等量的温牛奶。 The coffee to milk ratio is between 1:1 or 1:2. 咖啡和牛奶的比例在1:1或1:2之间。 The milk is lightly steamed, but not frothy like in Italian drinks. 牛奶会稍微蒸一下,但不会有意式饮品那么多的泡沫。 Red Eye 红眼咖啡 This drink ups the caffeine content by combining a cup of American style drip coffee with a shot of espresso. 这款饮品结合了一杯美式滴滤咖啡和一份意式浓缩咖啡,从而增加了咖啡因的含量。 If two shots of espresso are added, then it's known as a black eye. Three shots is called a dead eye. 如果加两杯浓缩咖啡,则被称为是黑眼咖啡。如果加三杯浓缩咖啡,则被称为死眼咖啡。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语