

2017-06-13    04'19''

主播: yikiqiuqiu

10610 479

联系 get / be / keep in touch with get in contact with contact someone get hold of reach someone Are you still in touch with your friends from college? 你和大学同学还有联系吗? Let`s keep in touch. 咱们保持联系 I have been trying to contact you all day. 我一整天都在设法和你联系 I finally made contact with her in Dalian. 我终于在大连和她取得了联系 Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college? 你和大学里的朋友们还保持联系吗? Where have you been? I`ve been trying to get hold of you all day. 你去哪了?我一整天都在找你 I can`t get hold of Yuki. She won`t answer the phone. 我找不到Yuki,她不接电话 Here`s my number, but it`s better to reach me on WeChat. 这是我号码,但是你最好通过微信找我 Do you know where I can reach him? 你知道我在哪儿能跟他联系上吗?