霉霉抖森分手啦Taylor and Tom have Called it quits  after three months dating

霉霉抖森分手啦Taylor and Tom have Called it quits after three months dating

2016-09-10    15'31''

主播: Cloris C

538 18

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ OMG!抖森和霉霉分手了!看他们秀恩爱喂狗粮的日子仿佛还在昨天 原创 2016-09-07 双语君 中国日报网双语新闻 一觉醒来,就被抖森和霉霉分手的消息轰炸了。 昨晚Us Weekly、People杂志、英国每日邮报等媒体集体爆料,称霉霉和抖森在交往3个月后分手。 The couple has called it quits after three months together. 这对情侣在交往上个月后终止恋情。 call it quits:结束、了结关系 被他俩的秀恩爱虐狗照刷屏的日子仿佛就在昨天…… 似乎再次证明了那句颠扑不破的真理: …… 这堪比高中生谈恋爱的分手速度太让人震惊,到底发生了啥,我们来看看外媒的报道。 ↑ Us Weekly:独家爆料!霉霉和抖森约会三个月后分手。 ↑太多、太快?在见过家长、谈婚论嫁之后,霉霉和抖森龙卷风般的恋情突然破裂。 Us Weekly的消息称: She was the one to put the brakes on the relationship. Tom wanted the relationship to be more public than she was comfortable with. Taylor knew the backlash that comes with public displays of affection but Tom didn’t listen to her concerns when she brought them up. [Tom is] embarrassed that the relationship fizzled out. 是霉霉主动提出终止这段恋情的。抖森希望两人关系能更高调和公开,这让霉霉很不舒服。霉霉知道高调秀恩爱不会有好结果,但当她提出自己的担忧时,抖森并不理会。这段恋情未能修成正果,抖森觉得很尴尬。 backlash:反冲力 brake:刹车 fizzle out:毫无结果地终结 这和英国每日邮报Daily Mail得到的消息很一致: 'Tom wants their relationship to be public, even asking Taylor to go to the Emmys with him, but Taylor wants to keep her private life private,' the source revealed on Monday. 消息人士周一爆料称,“抖森希望他们的恋情更加公开,甚至邀请霉霉和他一起出席艾美奖,但霉霉想保持私人生活的私密性。” 此前,抖森凭借《夜班经理》(The Night Manager)入围了艾美奖限定剧集(Limited Series)的最佳男主角(lead actor)。 但据说,霉霉之前从未和男友一起走过红毯 (had never walked the red carpet with a boyfriend before)。 这位消息人士告诉每日邮报: 'Tom's need for their relationship to be so public so quickly makes her uncomfortable,' “抖森这么快就想让恋情如此公开,让她感到不舒服。” 'She tried to be OK with it in the beginning but fears he is in love with the idea of her and not falling in love with her for the right reasons. ' “霉霉一开始努力不让自己想太多,但后来开始担心他爱的只是有她做女友这件事,而不是因为正确的原因爱上她。” 'Taylor is an independent young woman and doesn't feel like she needs a boyfriend to make her complete.' “泰勒是一个独立的年轻女性,并不觉得非要有一个男朋友让自己的人生圆满。” 《人物》杂志(People)的报道则没那么戏剧化,只说两人是“和平分手”: "It was an amicable split," a source tells PEOPLE. 消息人士告诉《人物》杂志称:“两人是和平分手。” amicable['æmikəbl]:友好的 回想起来,确实很久没看到他俩的秀恩爱照了…… Tom and Taylor, while inseparable in the early days of their romance, have not been photographed together since late July. 抖森和霉霉在刚恋爱的时候如胶似漆,而自7月底以来却再没被拍到在一起。 霉霉一直在纽约,而抖森则在澳大利亚和锤哥克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)拍《雷神3:诸神黄昏》(Thor: Ragnarok ['ra:gnərɔk])。 怎么看都觉得这一对更登对的一定不是小编一个人…… 不过就在7月份,抖森接受《好莱坞报道》(The Hollywood Reporter)时还正式承认了两人的恋情,否认是炒作: “The truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together and we’re very happy. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.” “事实是,泰勒·斯威夫特和我在一起了,我们很幸福。这是实情,不是宣传炒作。” publicity:宣传 stunt:噱头 当时甚至有消息称,抖森已经在计划向霉霉求婚了。 然而在8月份,Us Weekly报道称说两人在8月初因聚少离多已经有过争吵。 They had their first blowout fight in August. 八月份,他们的感情第一次出现问题并发生争吵。 The issues came from the 35-year-old actor’s busy schedule. Inseparable the first few weeks of their romance, it became tough for them to pencil in face-to-face time, says a close Swift insider. 问题来自于35岁的抖森过于紧密的工作安排。霉霉方面的消息人士说,他们在恋爱的头几个星期形影不离,现在却很难挤出时间见面。 “There was so much going on so it was hard making their schedules work,” says the insider, “and they were upset they couldn’t see each other.” 该消息人士称,“事情太多了,他们很难把时间安排到一块儿,见不到面又很不安。” 抖森方面的消息人士则说,爱情来得太猛烈,难以为继。 "It was an intense start," a Hiddleston insider says of their whirlwind romance. 抖森方面的消息人士谈到这段旋风般的恋情说,“他们开始得太热烈了。” intense:剧烈的 whirlwind['wə:lwind]:旋风般急剧的 "No one can keep that kind of momentum going." Adds the source close to the couple: "They get along great and will remain friends, but they just don't see it working romantically right now." 这位和两人都相熟的人士说,“没有人能让这样的势头永远保持下去。他们相处得很好,还会继续做朋友,只是目前无法维持恋爱关系了。” 然后,今天新曝光了一组霉霉街拍照,这也是两人分手消息传出来后的首个街拍。霉霉看起来心情非常靓丽…… 所以,不知道抖森会不会被霉霉写进歌里呢,坐等新专辑…… 最后,让我们一起回顾一下他们俩曾经怎样把恩爱秀全世界一脸吧: ➤ 两人最早被拍到有小暧昧(first flirted),是在5月2号的Met Gala上,他俩一起大跳热舞。不过当时霉霉还跟前前男友Calvin Harris在一起,大家也就没想太多。 Taylor and Tom Hiddleston are spotted dancing with each other at the 2016 Met Gala in New York, before the star's split from Calvin Harris. ➤ 6月1号,霉霉跟Calvin Harris在交往15个月后正式分手。5月20被记者拍到二人最后一次接吻。 It emerges that Taylor and Calvin have broken up after 15 months of dating. They were last pictured together, kissing on May 20. ➤ 紧接着两个星期之后的7月14日,霉霉和抖森就被拍到在美国罗德岛的海边忘我接吻,紧紧地黏在一起,二人恋情曝光。 Taylor and Tom pictured making out on the beach in Rhode Island. make out:拥吻缠绵 当时在海边被这波恩爱闪瞎眼的一位旁观群众说: They were all over each other — hugging and kissing — even though there were 20 people coming and going on the beach. They looked like any young couple madly in love without a care in the world. 他俩就跟长在对方身上一样,一直抱在一起接吻,尽管当时还有大概20多个人在海边上溜达,完全就是一对儿陷入热恋之后什么都不管不顾的小情侣。 ➤ 两天后的16号,二人乘坐霉霉的私人飞机离开了罗德岛。 Tom and Taylor are pictured boarding the singer's private jet in Rhode Island. ➤ 6月21日,霉霉带着抖森去看好友Selina Gomez的演唱会。 The couple are spotted dancing with each other at Selena Gomez's concert in Nashville, Tennessee. ➤ 6月23日,霉霉和抖森在田纳西朋友家中共进晚餐。 Taylor and Tom have a dinner date with the pop star's friends in Nashville. ➤ 6月24日,抖森跟着霉霉回了Nashville见父母,女婿的表现让霉霉爹妈很满意。 People reports that Taylor has introduced Tom to her parents, Andrea and Scott Swift, in Nashville. ➤ 6月25日,抖森带霉霉回去见妈妈,三人在海边散步。 ➤ 7月4号,霉霉率领后宫团们和抖森一起在罗德岛欢度国庆,抖森穿的那件 I ❤ TS不经意地又把我们虐了一下。 The couple spend July 4 with a host of celebrity friends at her Rhode Island vacation home. ➤ 抖森进澳大利亚《雷神3》剧组,霉霉全程陪同。 The duo touch down in Australia, where Tom was filming Thor: Ragnarok