【雅思口语范文带读&短评】Describe an APP that you think is useful

【雅思口语范文带读&短评】Describe an APP that you think is useful

2015-05-07    04'19''

主播: DavicDai

3239 247

Good evening,晚上好,又到了学英语的时间了!昨天对MET BALL的吐槽,你觉得好玩儿吗?因为昨天的工作量比较大,今天一天都有点江郎才尽的感觉……所以我们今天就不玩儿花活儿了,我们再次回到雅思口语考试的本身。从上个月雅思口语考试的高频考题里面,我找了一篇范文,在这给大家做一个口语示范,题目是,Describe an APP that you think is useful,描述一个你觉得有用的APP。这篇范文讲的APP是google map,谷歌地图。To organize a short oral speech about google map, you should say: What it is What contents it has How you use it And explain why you think this app is useful. Now, let's take a look at the example. Sample Answer (以下空行只为方便跟读,并非原文分段) Since I am keen on travelling and I have been travelling to many places, the most useful APP I have used is “google map”. I downloaded this APP three years ago, but i didn't find it very useful until i left China for Japan for a trip last year. It was a backpack trip with my best friend. We could not speak a word of Japanese and neither do we understand it, but we still managed to find the way to all our destinations by using google map. We checked up all the routes in the app and it recommended the quickest or even customized routes, which saved us a lot of time and money. If you use this APP, you can choose your preferred way of travelling, regardless of by walking or driving. The google map can always offer you a best route, and can even tell you when the next bus is coming. What’s more, the map can guide you the way with a gentle female voice, which reminds you of the next step you take. If you choose to go to a place by transportation, the google map will provide several plans for you to choose, as well as details of which metro or bus to take, and also which stop you should get off. Apart from that, the google map will also tell you how much time it will take you to get to your destination, thus, you will have a clear idea about the departing time. For me, this APP was one of the most useful apps on my cellphone, making sure that I won’t get lost in another place. 好了,这篇范文就是这样。文章比较简单,语言点就不单独拿出来讲解了。但是在大家开始跟读之前,我要和大家再说两句,关于雅思口语考试的选题问题。以这篇文章为例,他的好处在于,非常事无巨细地讲解了google map的几大功能,非常切题。但它也有一个坏处,就是讲全部篇幅用在了罗列功能上。如果我来重写这篇范文,我会把google map的几大功能浓缩在几句话里,然后在后面加上一个自己使用google map故事。一个雅思的考官,每天要面试那么多学生,也许到了你的时候,他已经比较疲劳了,所以我们在布局谋篇的时候千万要注意这个说话的艺术,一定要有趣,抓人;如果拿这么一个范文去考试的话,考官不会觉得你wrong,但肯定会觉得你dull。谁要听说明书嘛对不对。如果你能融合进一个google map帮助你在外旅行的案例,比如行程超级匆忙又遇上了大雨天,还好有google map;或者是你通过google map进而跟一个外国哥们讨论到了中国的防火墙、censorship,那肯定会让考官对你刮目相看。总之,就是要有故事。 So this is for today, 今天就是这样,谢谢大家订阅收听。深圳范围内需要一对一、面对面的雅思口语、职业英语口语指导的同学,记得来找我。记得我的qq号,34703659,qq或者qq邮件预约皆可。See you tomorrow。