SpaceX 开启商业载人航天时代

SpaceX 开启商业载人航天时代

2020-06-03    00'34''

主播: 逸雏

169 1

US astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken will dock to the International Space Station (ISS) later. The men are making their way up to the orbiting platform after their launch on a Falcon-9 rocket from Florida's Kennedy Space Center on Saturday. The Nasa crew are now traveling in a Dragon capsule supplied and operated by a private company, SpaceX - a first in the history of human spaceflight. ▍语言点 astronaut /ˈæstrənɔːt/ n. 宇航员,航天员 · astrophysics /ˌæstroʊˈfɪzɪks/ n. 天体物理学 · nautical /'nɔːtɪkəl/ adj. 航行的 dock /dɒk, dɑːk/ v. 使(两飞行器)在太空对接 n. 船坞,码头 make one's way up to…: 朝着……的方向前进 · make one's way up to the top of a mountain: 朝着山顶的方向前进 orbiting platform: 轨道平台 (国际空间站) capsule /'kæpsjuːl/ n. (人员所活动的)舱室;胶囊