Eugene Walter《何为少年?》

Eugene Walter《何为少年?》

2017-10-27    02'01''

主播: 麦格兰岛

100 4

What is a youth? 何为少年? 作 者:[美] Eugene Walter 译 者:岛主·Sean 朗读者:[中] Dixon What is a youth? 何为少年? What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a maid? Ice and desire. The world wags on. 何为少年?熊熊燃烧的火 何为少女?冰和欲的结合 尘世依旧前行 A rose will bloom It then will fade So does a youth. So does the fairest maid. 玫瑰绽放 而后凋零 少年亦是如此 最美的少女亦是如此 Comes a time when one sweet smile Has its season for a while Then love's in love with me. 那时,一个甜美微笑 会引出一段时光 爱意在我的心头荡漾 Some may think only to marry; Others will tease and tarry, Mine is the very best parry. Cupid he rules us all. 有人只想着白头相守 有人嘲弄着欲走还留 我的心思最超凡脱俗 甘愿去做爱神的奴仆 Caper the cape, but sing me the song, Death will come soon to hush us along. Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall. Love is the past time that never will pall. 欢呼雀跃吧,为我纵声歌咏 死神即将要到来,四野噤声 比蜂蜜更甜美,比胆汁更苦 爱已成为过往,却回味十足 Sweeter than honey, and bitter as gall Cupid he rules us all. 比蜂蜜更甜美,比胆汁更苦 甘愿去做爱神的奴仆 A rose will bloom It then will fade So does a youth. So does the fairest maid. 玫瑰绽放 而后凋零 少年亦是如此 最美的少女亦是如此 微信公众号:麦格兰岛 Explore all the fun about English!