Only Until This Cigarettes Is Ended

Only Until This Cigarettes Is Ended

2018-05-31    03'31''

主播: 喵星上的一只方

116 0

Only Until This Cigarette Is Ended by Edna St. Vincent Millay Only until this cigarette is ended, A little moment at the end of all, While on the floor the quiet ashes fall, And in the firelight to a lance extended, Bizarrely with the jazzing music blended, The broken shadow dances on the wall, I will permit my memory to recall The vision of you, by all my dreams attended. And then adieu,—farewell!—the dream is done. Yours is a face of which I can forget The color and the features, every one, The words not ever, and the smiles not yet; But in your day this moment is the sun Upon a hill, after the sun has set. 祇有在这支煙燃盡之後 埃德娜·師文森特·米萊 只有在这支煙燃盡之後, 在結束的那小小的壹瞬, 灰燼悄然坠地。 在爐火的光裏,壹支長矛被光線延長, 爵士樂搖搖曳曳,融陘古怪的氣息, 破碎的影,在墻上來回舞動。 我會容許我的記憶喚醒妳的幻象, 那是我所有的夢造訪過的地方。 然後,就是永別了,好好告辭吧!夢已兆。 妳的臉,我是可以忘記的 妳的膚色,妳的閃光之處,身上的每個地方,都可忘卻, 但話语永不會褪去,微笑,至今尚在流連; 但在妳的時日裏,这個瞬間早已不臠 就像山坡上日光仍在,而太陽早已隱沒。 BGM-Sunsetz(by Cigarettes After Sex)