Health: The Growing Toll of Our Ever-Expanding Waistlines/Story: Someone Like Me

Health: The Growing Toll of Our Ever-Expanding Waistlines/Story: Someone Like Me

2017-11-29    04'43''

主播: 琦海

32 2

Lorenzo's Health Corner: The Growing Toll of Our Ever-Expanding Waistlines   By Jane Body   “I hope you’re not chomping on a bagel or, worse, a doughnut while you read about what is probably the most serious public health irony of the last half century in this country: As one major killer — smoking — declined, another rose precipitously to take its place: obesity.   Many cancer deaths were averted after millions quit lighting up, but they are now rising because even greater numbers are unable to keep their waistlines in check.   Today, obesity and smoking remain the two leading causes of preventable deaths in this country.   Reviewing more than 1,000 studies, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention linked the risk of developing 13 kinds of cancer to overweight and obesity, especially cancers that are now being diagnosed in increasing numbers among younger people.”   Story: Someone Like Me. By Patricia Maclachlan