Health: Sugar industry withheld possible evidence of cancer link 50 years ago/mad scientis

Health: Sugar industry withheld possible evidence of cancer link 50 years ago/mad scientis

2017-12-06    05'07''

主播: 琦海

33 1

Lorenzo's Health Corner: Sugar industry withheld possible evidence of cancer link 50 years ago, researchers say By Teresa Carey   “Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco, said they have uncovered documents demonstrating that members of the sugar industry called off a study, named Project 259, in the 1960s because it linked sucrose — a common sugar — to heart disease and bladder cancer in preliminary experiments.   In 2016, the same researchers discovered a separate, undisclosed document that showed the sugar industry funded a report that downplayed links between sugar and coronary heart disease.   But a trade group argues the sugar industry was always transparent about Project 259 and that it supports science-based evidence even if the results are unfavorable. Here’s a breakdown of what UCSF researchers found.”   Story: franny k stein mad scientist attack of the 50 ft cupid summary, Chaper 18-21