Health:Nearly Half of Cancer Cases Are Within Your Control/Story: Tyrone The Horrible

Health:Nearly Half of Cancer Cases Are Within Your Control/Story: Tyrone The Horrible

2017-12-14    09'31''

主播: 琦海

29 0

Lorenzo's Health Corner: Nearly Half of Cancer Cases Are Within Your Control, Researchers Say “Diseases as complicated as cancer are often caused by genetic factors that are out of your control and risk factors that you can change. Now, researchers have calculated just how much of that risk is within a person’s control.   In a study published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, researchers led by Dr. Farhad Islami at the American Cancer Society analyzed national cancer data and calculated how much of cancer cases and deaths can be attributed to factors that people can change. These included smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke, being overweight or obese, drinking too much alcohol, eating red and processed meats, eating too few fruits and vegetables, not exercising, exposure to ultraviolet radiation through activities like tanning and six cancer-related infections (including HPV).   Among more than 1.5 million cancers in 2014, 42% were traced to these factors, as well as 45% of deaths in that year.”    By Alice Park Story: Tyrone The Horrible. By Hans Wilhelm