Health: Park Prescriptions’ Can Help Lower Stress Levels/Reader Digest: What You're

Health: Park Prescriptions’ Can Help Lower Stress Levels/Reader Digest: What You're

2018-03-30    07'58''

主播: 琦海

18 0

Lorenzo's Health Corner: ‘Park Prescriptions’ Can Help Lower Stress Levels “People who visited parks and other nature spots more frequently saw a small but steady drop in their stress levels, researchers say.   If you’re lucky, the next time you show up stressed out at a doctor’s appointment, your prescription might be a walk in the park… literally.   A new study showed that doctors could help reduce their patients’ stress levels, along with boosting other health benefits, simply by recommending that people spend time in nature.   “What we learned is that nature can help with stress,” said Dr. Nooshin Razani, a study author and director of the Center for Nature and Health at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland.”     Lorenzo’s Health Corner reviews and disseminates news reports and abstracts of scientific articles relevant to integrative medicine, cancer, and health and well-being. Dissemination of these reports/abstracts does not constitute an endorsement of their findings. Please consult your physician before pursuing any course of therapy. For more information on integrative medicine and cancer, visit MD Anderson¹s Integrative Medicine Program at:   Article from Reader’s Digest: This Is What You’re Missing When You’re Not Listening BY JOHN KORD LAGEMANN