Health: 8 ways to spring clean your health/Reader's Digest : HOW MR. BARTLETT FED MY SOUL

Health: 8 ways to spring clean your health/Reader's Digest : HOW MR. BARTLETT FED MY SOUL

2018-03-30    08'41''

主播: 琦海

58 0

8 ways to spring clean your health routine Longer days, warmer weather and fresh starts are the hallmarks of spring. It inspires many to bust open closets and cabinets to bring new life to neglected areas at home — which is a smart move. Decluttering can work wonders for your mental clarity and focus. We all know how cathartic it is watching those bags of junk leave the house after giving a room a thorough clean out. But why stop with your personal space? Your physical well being may need some sprucing up, too! Leading experts across America shared with NBC News BETTER their advice for dusting off your health and wellness routines just in time for spring. PUT YOURSELF ON YOUR TO-DO LIST Spring is the perfect time to re-evaluate your habits. “Do you consistently put yourself and yourhealth last on the daily line-up?” asks Dr. Jannell MacAulay, a wellness educator, performance specialist, and lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force. When you’re always putting other people’s needs ahead of your own, your performance as a parent, professional and leader can suffer. To break this bad pattern, she offers this advice: “Put on your own oxygen mask first!” You don’t need to overhaul your whole life to get results. “Maybe start your day with two deep breaths, or schedule time for a quick workout or a walk with a friend. Or just take time to make yourself a healthy lunch. Taking care of yourself is a great way to increase performance and overall wellbeing,” MacAulay says. Here are 8 ways to spring clean your health routine : 1. GIVE THE CONFERENCE LINE A REST 2. JUST GET OUTSIDE 3. GET OUT IN THE SUN FOR 10 MINUTES 4. FIRE UP YOUR WORKOUTS 5. GIVE GARDENING A GO 6. SPRING CLEAN YOUR SPICE RACK 7. UNPLUG 8. CREATE A BETTER SLEEP ROUTINE by Samantha Cassetty Reader's Digest : HOW MR. BARTLETT FED MY SOUL. -By TERRY MCMILLAN