

2017-10-27    11'45''

主播: J+J

79 5

跟sleep相关的短语 1. 夜猫子/ 早鸟 night owl/ early bird night person/ morning person 2. 熬夜 stay up/ burn the midnight oil I haven't seen my best friend for a long time. So we stayed up all night, talking. 我跟我闺蜜好久没见了,所以我们一夜没睡,一直在聊天。 She takes her exams next week, so she's been burning the midnight oil. 她下周要考试,所以要开夜车。 a children's song 童谣 Go to bed early -- grow up very tall. Go to bed late-- stay very small. 3. 睡眠好 sleep in 睡懒觉 I slept in on Saturday. 周六我会睡懒觉。   wake up naturally without an alarm clock 自然醒 That would be great if I could wake up everyday without an alarm. 如果能够自然醒真是太美好了。 sleep around the clock 睡了一整天 half asleep 还没睡醒、迷迷糊糊的 Every morning, I wake up half asleep. 每天早上,我都感觉没睡醒。 take a nap 睡午觉 I need to take a nap everyday. 我需要睡个午觉。 catch some Z(s) 小睡一会儿 have a cat nap 打盹儿 light sleeper 睡眠很浅 heavy sleeper 睡眠很深 I am a light sleeper and I can hear the slightest noise. 我睡得很浅,连最轻微的声音都能听见。 sleep like a baby 睡得很香 I usually sleep like a baby after drinking a cup of hot milk. 睡前喝一杯热牛奶之后,我通常都睡得很香。 go out like a light 倒头就睡 I went out like a light after I went to work the whole day. 工作了一天之后我倒头就睡。 sleepyhead 瞌睡虫 Come on, sleepyhead, let's get you to bed.  来吧,瞌睡虫,快上床睡吧! 4. 睡眠问题 toss and turn 翻来覆去难以入睡 Let's toss a coin. 让我们抛硬币来决定吧。 insomnia 失眠 What's the best cure for insomnia? 治疗失眠最好的药方是什么? sleep deprivation 缺觉、睡眠不足 Sleep deprivation or disturbances may affect the immune system capabilities. 睡眠不足或干扰可以影响免疫能力。 jet lag 时差 On the first night in China, I couldn't fall asleep because of jet lag. 刚到中国的第一个晚上,由于时差我难以入睡。 teeth grinding 磨牙 Teeth grinding made interrupt your sleeping. 磨牙会影响睡眠。 nightmare 噩梦 I feel as if I had waken from a nightmare. 我觉得好像刚从噩梦中醒来。 sleepwalking 梦游