

2017-12-29    11'35''

主播: J+J

34 2

1. Federal Holiday 联邦节日 2. New Year's Eve Parties 新年派对 have a dress code 着装规定 theme 主题 cover their faces with masks 带着面具 open champagne bottles 开香槟 the clock strikes midnight 午夜的钟声敲响 3. Time Square Countdown 纽约时代广场跨年倒数 celebrities perform 名人演出 a large ball is dropped 大球降落 4. Church Bells Are Ringing 教堂钟声齐鸣 famous song “Auld Lang Syne” 中文是《友谊地久天长》 people embrace each together 互相拥抱 5. Make Resolutions 新年愿望、誓言 be a better person 做更好的自己 go on a diet 节食 lose weight 减肥 begin exercising 开始锻炼 save money 攒钱 6. Bonfire Evening 篝火晚会 put the old clothes burned 烧旧衣服 7. Pasadena Rose Parade 玫瑰花车游行 marching bands 仪仗队 eye-catchy 吸引眼球的 8. Philadelphia Mummers Parade 费城化装游行 theatrical role 戏剧角色