

2018-01-20    10'23''

主播: J+J

64 4

1. 一心一意 heart and soul e.g. We’re getting to the heart and soul of the matter. 我们全心全意地去做这件事情。 e.g. I’m putting my heart and soul into the podcast. 我把所有精力都投到了播客上。 2. 一帆风顺 a bed of roses e.g. When people immigrate to Canada they often think life will be a bed of roses. They soon find that life, no matter where you are, has its challenges. 刚移民加拿大的人经常认为生活会一帆风顺,不过不久就发现了,任何地 方都充满挑战。 3. 一石二鸟、一举两得 Kill two birds with one stone. e.g. I listened to the recording of the professor’s lecture while I made my lunch, killing two birds with one stone. 我一边听教授的讲座录音一遍做午餐,真是一石二鸟。 e.g. My second baby’s birthday will be the same as my husband. So I will make only one cake for both of them. So I think this is killing two birds with one stone. 我第二个孩子的预产期跟我老公的生日一样,以后给他们两个过生日准备 一个蛋糕就可以了,真是一举两得。 4. 一模一样 two peas in a pod e.g. Those two both have the same job and the same hobbies, they’re two peas in a pod. 他们两个一模一样,不仅有相同的工作,还有相同的爱好。 5. 三心二意、犹豫不决 be of two minds e.g. You can’t be of two minds while you’re driving. 你开车的时候不能三心二意。 e.g. I’m of two minds if I should buy this sweater. It’s more expensive than I like, but if I don’t buy it, I know I’ll be disappointed. 我买毛衣的时候总是犹豫不决,我喜欢的太贵了,但是不买吧,我又会 很失望。 6. 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮 Two heads are better than one. e.g. When it comes to deciding the direction of this company, two heads are better than one. 每当决定公司的发展方向时,三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮。 7. 朝三暮四、犹豫不决 blow hot and cold e.g. On the subject of marriage, he blew both hot and cold. 在婚姻上,他总是朝三暮四。 e.g. Is your friend going to move to Thailand? I don’t know; she’s still blowing both hot and cold. 你朋友要搬去泰国吗?我不知道,她还在犹豫。 8. 不三不四、不伦不类 neither fish, flesh nor fowl(老用法) neither this nor that(新用法) e.g. We’re not as American as the Americans, or as British as the British. We have attributes of both. You might say Canadians are neither fish, flesh, nor fowl. 我们不像美国人也不像英国人,他们的想法我们都有,你可以说加拿大人 谁也不像。 9. 乱七八糟 at sixes and sevens e.g. They had a party last night and the room was at sixes and sevens when the guests left. 昨晚他们开了个派对,客人离开时屋里乱七八糟。 e.g. After being sick all week, her house is at sixes and sevens. 她生了一周的病,房间里乱七八糟。 10. 半斤八两 six of one and half a dozen of the other e.g. Do you want to go for Western food, or Mexican food? Six of one, half a dozen of the other. 你想吃西餐还是墨西哥餐?他们都差不多。 11. 九死一生 narrow escape e.g. Many people had a narrow escape during the earthquake. 很多人在地震中九死一生。 e.g. The typhoon came so fast, people rushed home at the last minute. What a narrow escape! 台风来得太快,人们在最后一分钟才冲进房间,真是九死一生! 12. 十之八九 ten to one e.g. Ten to one he'll win. 他稳赢了。 e.g. Ten to one she won’t make it to the meeting on time. 他开会很有可能迟到。