

2017-04-01    13'36''

主播: 老外私塾

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了解更多内容请关注微信公众号:老外私塾 1962- Instant Color TV(STV) 即时彩色电视(STV) In 1962, all of Swedish television was broadcast in black and white. 1962年所有的瑞典电视还是黑白色。 Sweden’s television station, STV, announced that viewers could easily watch color TV by simply placing a nylon stocking, in front of the screen. 瑞典的STV电视台宣布观众可以很容易的观看彩色电视,只要他们把一条尼龙丝袜放在电视前面。 Many say today that they remember their parents (their fathers in particular) rushing through the house trying to find stockings to place over the TV set. 很多人都记得他们的父母(特别是父亲)在房子里横冲之中的找袜子并拉伸在电视屏幕上。 1965 - Smell-o-vision (BBC) 气味电视 (BBC) The BBC broadcast an interview with a professor who supposedly developed an amazing new technology, called "Smell-o-vision", that allowed the transmission of smells over the airwaves. BBC电台采访一名教授,他发明了一项令人惊喜的新科技,叫做“有气味的版本”,这项技术可以让味道通过电波转化出来。 He then demonstrated the technology by placing some coffee beans and onions into the Smell-o-vision machine. 他把一些咖啡豆和洋葱放到气味机器里,从而展示这项新技术。 He asked viewers to report whether they had smelled anything. 他让观众给他反馈如果他们闻到了什么。 As would be expected, several viewers called in from across the country to confirm that they had distinctly experienced these scents. 正如所料,一些来自全国的观众打电话向电台确认他们闻到了这些不同的味道。 Some even claimed that the onions made their eyes water. 一些人甚至宣称洋葱让他们的眼睛流泪了。 2007- Gmail Paper(Google) 谷歌纸张 Google’s newest service promised to print out your emails for you, stack them neatly in a box, and ship them to your door. 谷歌最新的服务承诺他们会将你的邮件打印出来,把它们整齐的放在盒子里,然后寄到你家门口。 1998- The Left-Handed Burger(Burger King) 左撇子汉堡(汉堡王) Burger King published a full page ad in USA Today announcing the creation of the ‘Left-Handed Whopper’. 汉堡王在今日美国发布了一整页的广告,宣称他们发明了“左撇子汉堡”。 The next day, thousands of brilliant Lefties showed up to try their new favorite burger. Unfortunately, they were turned away. 第二天,上千的左撇子想尝一下新款的汉堡。不幸的是,他们被拒之门外。 1957- Spaghetti Trees(BBC) 长意大利面的树(BBC) A British news program set the bar high for epic April Fools pranks. BBC的一个新节目给愚人节设置了新的高标准。 It was a three-minute segment about a spaghetti harvest in southern Switzerland. 这是一段三分钟的片段,它展示了在瑞士南部的意大利面收获节。 With video footage of a Swiss family pulling pasta off spaghetti trees and placing it into baskets. 视频里显示瑞士家庭把意大利面从树上拉下来,并放到篮子里。 The show said: "For those who love this dish, there&`&s nothing like real, home-grown spaghetti." 这个节目说:“对那些喜欢这个食物的人来说,没有什么比真正的,家庭养殖的意大利面更好的了。” Hundreds of people phoned the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. 几百人给BBC打电话想知道他们如何种植自己的意大利面树。 BBC simply said: "Place a piece of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best." BBC简短的回答:“把一块意大利面放到锡罐装的西红柿酱里,然后祈求最好的(意大利面树)发生吧。” 1992- Welcome To Chicago (Los Angeles Airport) 欢迎来到芝加哥(洛杉矶机场) Los Angeles airport executives created a 85-foot-long yellow banner on the ground that spelled out, in 20-foot-high red letters, "Welcome to Chicago." 洛杉矶机场在地上放置了一个长85英尺,高20英尺的黄色标幅,上面写着红色的字,“欢迎来到芝加哥。” Anyone arriving into the airport would have probably felt a feeling of panic as they looked out the window and thought they were in the wrong city. 到机场的任何人都可能感觉到恐慌,他们看窗外以为他们来到了错误的城市。