

2017-07-11    14'31''

主播: 老外私塾

354 14

了解更多请关注微信公众号:老外私塾 老外私塾 学英语,聊文化,走遍全世界 日常|工作|面试|少儿|留学|口语 It feels good to be lost in the right direction. 享受在对的方向上迷失。 出国旅游,如何做一个优雅的行者? 荷包鼓鼓是最重要的吗?NONONO…在异国他乡说着一口自信而坦然的口语才是最重要的! 今天我们就和Adam一起聊一下在国外旅游必用的英语词组和对话吧! Hotel reservation/booking: 酒店预订 king size bed: 大床房 double bed:双床房 suite: 套房 room service: 客房送餐 check in:入住 check out:离店 I'll be checking in on...checking out on..., staying for a total of...nights: 我...入住、...离店,一共住...晚 Do you have king-size rooms? 有大床房吗? Would there be a penalty if I change or cancel my reservation? 如果我修改/取消我的预定,会有罚金吗? I'd like to change/cancel my reservation: 我想修改/取消我的预定 What's the WiFi's password? 请问WiFi密码是多少? Booking airplane tickets online: 网上订机票 Round trip:来回 One way:单程 Departure/ Departing:出发(日期) Return/ Returning:回来(日期) Destination:目的地 Flyiing from:出发地 Flying to:到达地 Economy Class:经济舱 Business Class:商务舱 First Class:头等舱 At airport:在机场 airport terminal: 航站楼 domestic flight: 国内航班 international flight: 国际航班 checked luggage: 托运行李 carry-on luggage: 随身行李 security check: 安检 flight number: 航班号 boarding gate: 登机门 transfer/stop over/lay over: 转机 flight delayed: 航班延误 flight cancelled: 航班取消 window seat:靠窗座位 aisle seat: 走廊座位 luggage carousel/luggage belt: 行李运送带 Where is the check-in counter for ...airlines? 某航空公司的办票柜台在哪儿? What's the boarding gate for flight...? 某某航班的登机门在哪儿? Could I have a window/aisle seat? 我可以要一个靠窗/靠走道的座位吗? Going through security:过安检 boarding pass:登机牌 passport:护照 laptop:笔记本电脑 personal item:私人物品 liquid:液体 The laptop is electronic. You’ll need to take it out of its bag and send it through in a security bin of its own. 电脑是电子的,你需要把它从包里拿出来,放到单独的安检盒子里。 Those items are permitted if they are less than three ounces. 这些物品是允许带上飞机的如果没有超过3盎司。 Local transportation:当地交通 transportation: 交通 airport express: 机场快线 shuttle bus: 班车 taxi/cab: 出租车 subway:地铁 meter: 打表 gas station: 加油站 tour bus: 观光大巴 Where is the closest subway station/bus stop? 最近的地铁、公交站在哪儿? Which subway/bus should I take to go to ...? 我要去..., 应该坐哪趟车? Is this the bus that will take us to the … Hotel in …? 这个公交会带我们到…的…酒店吗? Where do we buy the tickets? 我们可以在哪买票? How will we know which stop is ours? 我们怎么知道哪一站该下呢? Can you use the meter? 你可以打表吗? Renting a car:租车 car rental: 租车 unlimited:无限制的 mileage:公里数 What size car would you prefer? 你想要什么样大小的车? how long will you need the car for? 你会开多久? Do you have a valid driver’s license? 你有驾照吗? What's the daily rate for car rental? 请问租车一天多少钱? Where do I pick up the car? 我需要在哪提车? 除了以上这些,还有更多…… 成都老外私塾将在下周开设一门旅游英语外教小班课程! 里面有更多关于旅游英语的内容!