

2017-07-28    08'26''

主播: 老外私塾

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了解更多内容请关注微信公众号:老外私塾 老外私塾,学英语,聊文化,走遍全世界 日常|工作|面试|少儿|留学|口语 成都的夏天就一个字:Hot! She looks so hot. 她看起来很热?不对哦! hot除了形容天气人还可以形容什么呢?天气热有其他英文说法吗? Hot的不同用法 形容人people:性感、火辣/抢手、热门 He is so hot.他好性感。 He made three baskets in a roll, he is hot! 他连中了三个篮球,他现在很抢手。 形容天气weather:热 It's crazy hot today.今天外面太热了。 形容食物food:温度烫或味道辣 The soup is so hot. 汤太烫了。 形容地方place/事情thing:热门/流行(好多人去) The bar is so hot. 这个酒吧很热门。 任何形容做饭的词语都可以形容天气热 Burning:燃烧 OMG, I'm burning. The temperature reaches 40 degrees. 我的天,我被燃烧了,气温达到了快40度。 Boiling:沸腾 It's boiling hot outside. I wish I could stay in the room for the whole day. 外面煮沸了一样,我希望我可以一整天都待在室内。 Baking/Roasting:烤焦了 I'm baking/roasting. 我被烤了。 Sweltering:热得都快融化了 The weather through late June and July was mostly sweltering, and nobody had much energy for games. 六月和七月的天气大多时候要把人热融化了,没有人有精力去玩游戏。 Steaming:热得像蒸笼一样 I'm steaming. 我被蒸了。 Scorch:特别特别热,快被烤熟了。 Oh jeez, it's scorching outside. 天呐,外面晒死了。 “闷热”“干热”英文怎么说? Muggy:闷热/湿热 I can't stand a muggy day. It's terrible. 我真的忍受不了这么糟糕的闷热天气。 Humid:潮湿 The weather in Chengdu is so humid. 成都的天气太潮湿了。 Dry heat:干热 They have dry heat in the north of China. 中国的北方是干热的。 最后请大家和我一起吐槽…… It's so hot that you can fry an egg on the sidewalk! 天气太热了,都能在马路上摊鸡蛋了。