

2017-08-28    11'53''

主播: 老外私塾

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多内容请关注微信公众号:老外私塾 老外私塾-学英语,聊文化,走遍全世界 日常|工作|面试|少儿|留学|口语 七夕要来啦! 甜言蜜语都太空洞,不如来一些实实在在的肺腑之言! I knew I loved you when I farted and you didn't run away.我知道当我放屁你没有跑掉的时候,我就爱上你了 Fart:放屁 My side, your side.我的这边,你的这边(衣柜)。 Thanks for loving me anyway. 谢谢你还是这样爱我。 You are my favourite pain in the ass. 你是我最喜欢的“头疼”。 Pain in the ass:蛋疼,烦人,头疼 You're the one I text when I'm drunk. That's love. 你是我喝醉时发信息的那个人,这就是爱。 Drunk:喝醉了 I love you with all my boobs. I would say heart but my boobs are bigger. 我是用胸来爱你的,我想说用心来爱你,但是我的胸更大一些。 boob:胸 I love you so much I would you you a kidney. 我太爱你了,我都愿意给你一个肾。 kidney:肾 - You are hotter than Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Johnny Depp put together. 你比布拉特皮特/乔治克隆尼/强尼戴普加起来都帅。 - By the way, have you seen my glasses? 顺便问一下,你有没有看到我的眼镜? hot:性感 You suck less than most people. 你没有大多数人那么逊。 suck:差,糟糕 - You are the reason I get up in the morning. 你是我早上起来的动力。 - Just kidding……I have to pee. 开玩笑了,我只是想尿。 Pee:尿尿,小便 You're the only wiener for my bun! 你是我的面包里唯一的烤肠。 bun:多指三明治这种面包 wiener:有男性生殖器官的意思 你们get到什么意思了吗? 祝大家七夕快乐!