Tricks 套路

Tricks 套路

2017-01-04    02'56''

主播: 瑞普思英语

41 0

Tricks 套路 这个词是一夜之间突然爆红的。似乎很多情形用它来解释都非常贴切,因此自然也很受网友欢迎。 If your girlfriend says, “When I was taking my medicine this morning, I heard some news…” Do not, under any circumstances, answer, “What news?” If you do, you, my friend, have just fallen into a trap. The next thing you’re likely to hear is, “Why didn’t you ask me why I was taking medicine? You don’t care about me!” 如果你女朋友说:“早上我吃药时听到一些消息……”千万不要回答:“什么消息?”如果这么说了,你就落套了。接下来你将听到的是:“为什么不问我怎么吃药了?你根本不关心我!” A slightly longer version of this relationship trap went viral online, and many victims of this scheme reached for a new, emerging phrase: Less strategy, more sincerity! 一个比这个段子稍长的恋爱故事在网上走红,许多被落套的受害者开始用“少一点套路,多一点真诚”来表达自己的心情。 “套路”一词的翻译比较灵活,它有methods(方法), tricks(诡计), strategies(策略), schemes(阴谋计划),特别是clichéd schemes(老套的阴谋计划)等意思,在不同语境中可以采用不同译法。 >>更多用法示例: They are all tricks. 全是套路。 -Here’s a thing I am not supposed to tell you, but I feel like you should know. -有个事情我不该跟你说的,但我觉得你应该知道。 -Say it or save it. Less strategy, more sincerity, please. -爱说不说!少一点套路,多一点真诚。 -The lead actor and actress of the movie began a relationship? Just exactly when it comes out? -电影的男女主角被曝出恋情?在电影马上就要上映的时候? -A classic scheme. I guess if they cooperate in another movie, their break-up will make even more headlines. -经典套路。我猜如果他们之后再合作一部电影,他们分手的消息还能再上一次头条。
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