Ge You slouch 葛优瘫 一张葛优的剧照也能被网友最大程度地利用。照片中,葛优倚靠在沙发上,那生无可恋的表情,似乎与网友们内心产生了些许共鸣。于是,网红诞生了。 Originally from a China’s popular TV show I Love My Family(《我爱我家》), the decades-old photo of the Chinese comedian Ge You slouching has spawned a wave of humorous reinterpretations and imitations online. As the representative sitting position of Beijingers, it is also dubbed the Beijing Slouch. 这张十几年前的旧剧照来源于曾经流行一时的电视剧《我爱我家》,照片中喜剧演员葛优的瘫卧姿势引起了网上的重新解读和模仿浪潮。这个姿势也是北京人的一种独特坐姿,因此也叫作“北京瘫”。 >>更多用法示例: I know I am wasting my life, but I just don’t want to stop 我知道我在浪费人生,但就是不想停下来。
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