

2016-03-05    04'34''

主播: 西学宗用

313 6

中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛是由中央电视台主办的全国性电视英语竞赛活动,自2000年开始,每年给全国的英语爱好者提供锻炼自己、展示自己的窗口,深受广大电视观众的喜爱。大赛旨在为全国英语爱好者搭建一个激励英语学习、培养思辨能力、展现综合风采的舞台,推动我国外语教学发展,展示我国英语教学的现状,发现和培养新时期国家发展所需要的高素质外语人才。 2015年全国有超过500万的英语爱好者报名参加希望之星英语风采大赛,他们当中最优秀的50名进入全国总决赛。 评委组要求参赛选手语音零失误,要求极为严格,因此,从今天起,“西学宗用精品英语”将在周一到周五发布2015年小学高年级预赛试题,共50个英语小故事,供大家模仿并自我纠正发音。 1.Hair and Beard. Lucy always wanted to become a teacher, because she liked children. When she was twenty-one years old, she began teaching in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she laughed a lot with the children in her class. They enjoyed her teaching. One day, one of the girls in her class asked her, “Why does a man’s hair become grey before his beard does?” Lucy laughed and answered,“I don’t know, Helen.” Then one of the boys said, “I know! Man’s hair becomes grey first because it’s sixteen years older than his beard.” beard [biəd]n. 胡须 enjoy [in'dʒɔi] vt. 欣赏,享受;喜爱 grey [ɡrei] adj. 灰色的;灰白的 (选自2015年初赛试题)