【S3D74-151123】Special 30'+Standard 30'

【S3D74-151123】Special 30'+Standard 30'

2015-11-23    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

675 37

【S3D74-151123】News Translation 研究人员发现,不同国家之间的诚实度也是不同的。例如在道德方面,英国和日本得分最高,而中国和土耳其则得分最低。 Reference for 【S3D73-151122】News Translation 美国食品药品管理局周四批准了转基因三文鱼被人类食用。批准转基因动物食用在美国尚属首次。 The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved genetically modified salmon, the first such altered animal allowed for human consumption in the United States. 【S3D73-151122】 Special 30' Crowdfunding — or soliciting people online to fund projects -- is rapidly growing in popularity around the world, say experts. Here’s how crowdfunding works: You pitch your project to a large group of people through an online platform. If they are interested in your project, they donate money to fund your project. 【S3D73-151122】 Standard 30' Apple's introduction of the iPhone in 2007 kicked off a revolution in personal information sharing. With each new iPhone improvement it's easier to tell the world where we are, what we're doing and who we're doing it with. A bit ironic then that Apple is leading the charge to reclaim privacy. Newer versions of iOS emphasize encryption,to the point where Apple says it won't be able to unlock its customers' phones even if law enforcement orders them to do so. Some of the latest Android devices likewise offer encryption.