【News 100 S10D81】190525

【News 100 S10D81】190525

2019-05-25    01'01''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

1622 10

Reference for 190524 The head of an international vaccine group says that misunderstandings and false information about vaccines are spreading on the internet and should be stopped. Seth Berkley of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, spoke Tuesday to a gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, where the World Health Organization is meeting. The Trump administration gave a little ground today in its dispute with Chinese tech giant Huawei. It is backing off on restrictions placed on the company less than a week ago. The Commerce Department had barred U.S. companies from doing business with Huawei unless they received a special license. The idea was to hurt Huawei, but U.S. tech company stocks were caught in the crossfire. NPR&`&s Jackie Northam has been following developments.