No. 15 每天两分钟,轻松学会最接地气的1000句英式英语英语

No. 15 每天两分钟,轻松学会最接地气的1000句英式英语英语

2016-05-11    02'36''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

992 133

大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL外教王君老师,更多英式英语学习请关注微信号:jun465668,每天两分钟,轻松掌握最接地气的1000句英式英语 婚礼开始之前首先呢证婚人会说这么一段: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. May I begin by welcoming you all here today to the lovely setting of the Law Hotel, and in particular to the Garden Room, to the marriage of Reg and Rose. Today marks a new beginning in their life together and it means a lot to both of them and their family and friends, are here to witness their wedding vows and celebrate their marriage. 在证婚人介绍完之后,就是我么最熟悉的第一段誓词了 首先是问新郎Reg - Will you take Rose to be your wedded wife, to share your life with her to love support and comfort her whatever the future may bring? "I will.” 接下来问新娘Rose - Will you take Reg to be your wedded husband, to share your life with him to love support and comfort him whatever the future may bring? "I will.” 这一段只需要说两个词 I will 就可以了,接下来交换戒指的誓词是每一句都要说的 I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage and as a token of my love. I promise that I will respect  you as an individual, support you through difficult times, rejoice with you through happy times, be loyal always, and above all, love you as my husband and friend.”