No. 23 职场最接地气的那几句话,1000句英式英语英语语英语

No. 23 职场最接地气的那几句话,1000句英式英语英语语英语

2016-06-03    03'00''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

1722 122

大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL 外教,王君老师,5668,每天两分钟,轻松掌握最接地气的1000句英式英语 职场英语,大家想知道在英国,每天上班的时候说什么,在英国职场5年,开始上班的时候惊讶,很多英语表达,教科书里完全没有学到,如果这些英语没人编入教材的话,那学的英语可就真不接地气了Are you off tomorrow?Are you in tomorrow?Let’s have the morning brief.Can we swap shift tomorrow, you do late and I do your early, I have to do the school run for mummy tomorrow, and I’ll return this favour next time to you.Can I borrow you for a secondCould you review this month’s target for us please.