美式课堂【第四期】Learning on the Go-托福边听边学

美式课堂【第四期】Learning on the Go-托福边听边学

2016-07-27    10'19''

主播: 美式课堂英语

257 10

各位杀托宝宝们,我们又见面了!之前我们已经讲了听力,口语,还有阅读,这一期我们来讲讲写作。 最近考完托福的小伙伴在我们的群里有说考到了这道独立写作题,那不知道小伙伴们写得如何呢?看完今天这一期,大家可以从中多多汲取经验,下次碰到类似的就可以信手拈来了!! 好,切入正题,我们第四期将要讲的是TPO40写作部分的独立写作。 快来跟随我们的音频一起学习一下吧! 题目回顾 Question : Essay topic Some parents offer their school-age children money for each high grade (mark) they get in school. Do you think this is a good idea? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 一些父母会给他们正在学龄期的孩子以金钱奖励他们在班级得到高分。你认为这是个好主意吗?请举例来支持你的观点。 范文展示 Following the rules of our modern economic beliefs, we are easily trapped into thinking putting monetary values on everything. After all, what is worth doing will always worth money, right? We must not fall into this misconception but instead focus on developing self-motivation. Parents should not offer their school-age children money for each high grade because parents should focus on teaching children intrinsic values in any accomplishment. 重点解读 Following the rules of our modern economic beliefs, we are easily trapped into thinking putting monetary values on everything. 遵循我们现代经济观念的规则,我们很容易就会陷入一种将金钱可以购买到任何东西的陷阱。 After all, what is worth doing will always worth money, right? 毕竟,任何值得做的事情都将会用金钱来得到回报,不是吗? We must not fall into this misconception but instead focus on developing self-motivation. 我们一定不要陷入这样错误的观念而是要将注意力集中在提高自我激励上面。 Parents should not offer their school-age children money for each high grade because parents should focus on teaching children intrinsic values in any accomplishment. 父母不应该每一次都因为他们在学龄期的孩子们在班上得到高分而给予金钱鼓励,因为家长应该重视培养孩子们在取得任何成就上的内在价值。 美式发音: Modern~”awe” Instead~”aeh” 重点词汇: Monetary values 金钱观 Misconception 错误的观念 Self-motivation 自我激励 Intrinsic values 内在价值观 思路框架 漏斗式 话 题 覆 盖 性 大 于 论 点 进 一 步 阐 述,多 样 表 达 引 申 支 持 的 观 点 引出话题 后续关于这篇写作的内容会马上为大家呈上,请各位小主继续关注我们的推送内容哦!