1 | Concrete and Grass

1 | Concrete and Grass

2016-10-14    47'41''

主播: theshanghaishow

19 0

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Shanghai Show! At the top of the show, Jorge, Charlie and Zoey talk about the new film The Shallows, a film about an angry shark that wants to murder a woman for no reason. They then talk about the Concrete and Grass Music Festival that took place last week and interview Christine from Spread the Bagel and Matt & Nate from Ruijin Cajun. Later, the gang plays a round of "Profiling: The Game" live at Concrete and Grass where they try to guess what people do for a living based off of just their outfit with an interview with Archie Hamilton of Split Works that put on the Concrete and Grass Music Festival. Zoey also gives us some of the news of the week from China and around the world. 万众瞩目的The Shanghai Show的第一期节目终于和大家见面啦!节目最开始,Jorge, Charlie和Zoey谈论了最新电影《鲨滩》,讲述了一条愤怒的鲨鱼莫名盯上S小姐的故事(反讽脸)。然后他们聊了一下上上周上海举办的Concrete and Grass混凝草音乐节的那些事儿。Jorge采访了上海著名贝果店Spread the Bagel的店主Christine,还有美国南部美食餐馆Ruijin Cajun的Matt和Nate。接着,他们仨自娱自乐地玩了一个“猜猜看”的游戏,根据受访者的录音和照片判断他们的职业(好欢乐)。采访的重头戏是Archie Hamilton,Split Works的老板,也就是本次音乐节的组织者。节目的最后,Zoey播报了最近在中国和世界范围内发生的一些怪新闻(老外版“媒体大搜索”好咩)。
下一期: 2 | The Edited Ark