

2016-04-23    05'24''

主播: 北教培优学院

446 62

Where is Christine Daaé? 克丽斯廷·达埃哪去了? On Saturday morning Comte Philippe looked across the breakfast table at his brother. 星期六早上菲利普伯爵走到早餐桌那头他弟弟的面前。 'Don't do it,Raoul,please.All this talk about ghosts and phantoms.I think the girl is mad.' “请不要做这样的事,拉乌尔。这里所有人都在谈论鬼啊幽灵啊。我想那个姑娘疯了。” 'She's not mad,and I'm going to marry her,'Raoul said. “她没有疯,而且我要和她结婚。”拉乌尔说。 'She's only a little opera singer,'Philippe said unhappily.'And she's very young. “她只是一个毫不起眼的歌剧演员,”菲利普不高兴地说,“而且她太年轻。 Are you still going to love her in ten,or twenty,years' time?' 10年20年以后你还会仍然爱她吗?” Raoul drank his coffee and did not answer. 拉乌尔喝着咖啡没有回答。 There were two more unhappy faces in the Opera House,too. 在歌剧院里也有两张很不高兴的面孔。 The directors now understood about O.G. 经理们现在终于知道了O.G.的厉害。 They didn't want any more accidents. 他们不想再出现任何事故。 'Box 5 is free tonight for O.G. Daaé is singing Margarita. “5号包厢今晚空着留给O.G.由达埃来演唱玛格丽塔。 And here is 20,000 francs.Madame Giry can leave the money in Box 5 for him. 另外这里是两万法郎。吉丽夫人可以把这些钱留在5号包厢里给他。 Is that everything?'Monsieur Armand asked Monsieur Firmin. 所有的就那些事吧?”阿尔芒先生问菲尔曼先生。 'It's a lot of money,'Monsieur Firmin said unhappily.He thought for a minute. “这是很多钱啊,”菲尔曼先生不高兴地说。他想了一会儿, 'What about some flowers in Box 5?Madame Giry says that O.G.likes flowers.' “在5号包厢里放些鲜花怎么样?吉丽夫人说那个O.G.喜欢鲜花。” 'O.G.can bring his own flowers!' shouted Monsieur Ar mand. “O.G.可以带上他自己的鲜花!”阿尔芒先生喊道。 The evening began well.The chandelier was now back in place, with new ropes. 这个夜晚到来时,一切还是令人满意的。那枝形吊灯换了新的绳索又回到了它原来的位置。 All Paris was in the Opera House.Everybody wanted to hear Christine Daaé's voice again. 巴黎所有的人都到了歌剧院。每个人都想再次欣赏克丽斯廷·达埃的演唱。 People also knew about the love story between Christine Daaé and the Vicomte de Chagny. 人们也都知道了克丽斯廷·达埃和沙尼家族的子爵之间的爱情故事。 There are no love secrets in Paris!People watched the Comte and the Vicomte in Box 14 with interest. 在巴黎没有什么爱情秘密!人们饶有兴趣地朝14号包厢里的伯爵和子爵张望着。 Young men from families like de Chagny do not marry opera Singers. 出身于象沙尼那样家族的年轻人一般是不会与歌剧演员结婚的。 When Christine came onto the stage,her face was white and she looked afraid. 当克丽斯廷出现在舞台上的时候,她的脸色苍白而且看上去有些害怕。 But she sang like an angel.Ah, what a voice!All Paris was in love with Christine Daaé. 但是她唱得像一位天使。啊,多么美妙的声音!整个巴黎都爱上了克丽斯廷·达埃。 She began to sing the famous love song.Suddenly,every light in the Opera House went out. 她开始演唱那首著名的爱情歌曲。突然,歌剧院里所有的灯都熄灭了。 For a second nobody moved or spoke.Then a woman screamed,and all the lights came on again. 这片刻之间没有人走动,也没有人说话。随后一个女人尖叫起来,与此同时所有的灯又都亮了。 But Christine Daaé was no longer on the stage!She was not behind the stage, she was not under the stage. 但是克丽斯廷却不再在舞台上了!她不在舞台的后面,她也不在舞台底下。 Nobody could find her. 没有人能够找到她。 The Opera House went mad.Everybody ran here and there,shouted and called. 歌剧院里乱得一团糟。每个人都跑来跑去,又喊又叫。 In the directors office, people ran in and out. 在经理办公室里,人们跑进跑出。 The police came,and asked questions. But nobody could answer the questions. 警察来了,问了一些问题。但是没有人能够回答这些问题。 Monsieur Armand got angry and shouted,and Monsieur Firmin told him to be quiet. 阿尔芒先生发着脾气,喊叫着,菲尔曼先生要他冷静一些。 Then Madame Giry arrived in the office with her daughter Meg. 接着,吉丽夫人领着她的女儿梅格走进了办公室。 'Go away,woman!'Monsieur Armand shouted. “出去,你这个小娘们!”阿尔曼先生喊道。 'Monsieur,there are three people missing now!'Madame Giry said.'Meg,tell the directors your story.' “先生,现在有三个人失踪了!”吉丽夫人说,“梅格,把你看到的事告诉经理们。” This was Meg's story. 这是梅格的故事。 'When the lights went out,we were just behind the stage.We heard a scream-I thlnk it was Christine Daaé's voice. “当灯熄灭的时候,我们正在舞台的后面。我们听到一声尖叫——我觉得是克丽斯廷·达埃的声音。 Then the lights came back on,but Christine wasn't there!we were very afraid,and we began to run back to our dressing room. 随后灯又亮了,但是克丽斯廷不见了!我们非常害怕,我们都往自己的化妆室跑。 There were people running everywhere! 人们到处乱跑! Then we saw the Vicomte de Chagny. 接着我们看见了沙尼家族的子爵。 His face was red and he was very an gry. 他满脸通红而且显得非常愤怒。 “Where's Christine? Where's Christine?he shouted. '克丽斯廷你在哪里?克丽斯廷你在哪里?'他喊着。 Suddenly the Persian came up behind him and took his arm. 突然那个波斯人从他后面走上来抓住他的手臂。 He said something to the Vicomte and they went into Christine Daaé's dressing-room…' 他对子爵说了些什么,然后他们就进了克丽斯廷·达埃的化妆室……” 'Yes? And then?' Monsieur Firmin said quickly.'What happened next?' “是吗?那么后来呢?”菲尔曼先生着急地问,“接下来发生了什么事?” 'Nobody knows!' Meg's face was white.'We looked into Christine Daaé's dressing-room,but…but there was nobody there!' “没有人知道!”梅格脸色苍白,“我们朝克丽斯廷·达埃的化妆室里面看了看,但是……但是那里并没有人!”