

2017-02-06    03'41''

主播: flipped🙆

336 15

Good evening, my dear friends. This is Jenny.新的一年马上要开始了,Jenny先祝大家新年快乐,来年顺顺利利,心想事成。 Today I met a woman who just looked like my mother from behind. So I was very surprised. I was shopping with my friends and my mom don’t usually shop by herself. Then I walked to the woman who looked like my mother and patted on her shoulder, doubtfully. This woman turned around with puzzlement and she is a total stranger. “mom……”after I said this word, I immediately regretted it because I finally realized that I’ve mistaken someone. 最近Jenny眼力可能不太好,居然在商场里把一个陌生人认成自己的妈妈,真是一个大乌龙,如果我妈知道了肯定要取笑我了。如果从外表来看,我们说谁像谁一般会说:look like.但是像有很多说法,可能是我们平时没有注意到的,比较少用的。所以我们今天来学习一下,像还有什么表达方式。 1、resemble V. She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.她外貌上像她的姐姐,性格却不同。 在什么方面像我们使用介词in。我在待人处事方面和爸爸很像:I resemble my father in the way we deal with people. 2、take after. 长得像,行为、性格等像。尤其是像自己的长辈。 Mary really takes after her mother. 玛丽的确长得像她的妈妈。Take after 更加强调传承的意味,可以从after这个词看出来。所以使用的时候要稍加注意,如果说自己take after自己的同龄人,这样是不合适的。 3、be alike.相似 Alike这里是形容词,作表语。 The twin brothers are very much alike. 这对双胞胎兄弟非常相像。 Be alike前面一般是复数的主语,比如上一句的双胞胎兄弟,你可以说双胞胎兄弟长得相像,但是你不能说,he is alike his twin brother,因为alike不是动词,是形容词,记住了。 回到我们最常用的词组,look like,我们就可以说,he looks like his twin brother了,look like 和 be alike 的区别,你弄懂了吗? Jenny今天给大家布置的作业是请翻译这个短语:To be exactly alike. 今天的分享就到这里了,欢迎大家关注学英语口语,我是Jenny,我在这里等你。
上一期: menu,order,tip
下一期: please ignore him