

2017-03-13    09'13''

主播: 小可英文🎻🍺

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欢迎订阅小可英文。FM1862071 英文学习笔记: When she was just a girl. 当她还是一个小女孩的时候。 She expected the world. 他对这个世界憧憬无限。 But if flew away from her rich. 但咫尺之间却灰飞烟灭。 So she ran away in her sleep. 所以她在睡梦中逃避。 And, dream of paradise. 梦见了天堂。 Every time she closed her eyes. 每当他闭上眼睛。 And The bullets catch in her teeth. 他咬紧牙关,在困境里举步维艰。 Life goes on it gets so heavy. 沉重的生命之轮继续前进着。 The wheel brakes the butterfly. 碾碎了儿时的梦想。 Every tear a waterfall. 眼泪汇集成瀑布。 In the night, the stormy night, she'd closed her eyes. 在风雨交加的晚上,她闭上了眼睛。 In the night, stormy night, away she'd fly. 在风雨交加的晚上,他远远的飞走了。 And dreams of paradise. 然后梦见了天堂。 So lying underneath, Those stormy skies 躺在风雨交加的天空下 She'd say oh I know the sun must set to rise. 他说我知道,太阳会照样升起。 This Could be paradise. 也许那一刻便是天堂。