

2016-04-21    12'05''

主播: 以沫 132

838 163

我看你在訓練的時候有點痛苦 Oh, I saw you at practice. You looked miserable. 445 你看到了 You saw that? 446 以前我很愛這一行 那時真的很快樂 I used to love it. It was fun. 447 但今年有太多變故了 Things are different this year. 448 曾經如此重要的東西已不再重要 Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore. 449 那就別浪費時間了 So don't let it. 450 退出 向前看 就沒問題了 Quit, move on. Problem solved. 451 就這么簡單 Ta-da. 452 有些東西可能會再次變得重要 Some things could matter again. 453 不過 對我來說是不可能的 But...seems a little unrealistic to me. 455 對凱瑟琳的事 I'm sorry. 456 我表示遺憾 About Katherine. 457 你也失去了她 You lost her,too. 458 要幫忙嗎 Need some help? 459 好啊 求之不得 Sure, why not? 460 馬特努力了 但他最近倍受煎熬 Matt tries, but he's just having a really hard time. 461 你要理解這點 You have to understand that 462 他們倆都是彼此的初戀 They were each other's first. 463 就像是青梅竹馬 You know, like, from the sandbox. 464 那條圍巾很漂亮 That's a really nice scarf. 465 謝謝 剛買的 Mm. Thank you, it's new. 466 給我看看可以嗎 Can I see it? 467 你介意脫下來嗎 I mean, would you mind taking it off? 468 為什么 你沒事吧 Why not? You ok? 470 不管怎樣我都不能脫下來 All I know is that I can't take it off. 471 你們兩個小鬼在談什么呢 What are you two kids talking about? 472 我們正在談論她的圍巾 I was just commenting on her scarf. 473 你知道嗎 Hmm. Hey, you know, 474 埃琳娜和邦妮正在那邊洗盤子 Elena and Bonnie are finishing up the dishes. 475 你去看看能不能幫下忙 Why don't you go see if you can help? 476 你看我像洗盤子的嗎 Does it look like I do dishes? 477 就算是為了我吧 For me? 478 不想去 Hmm...I don't think so. 479 去看看廚房里埃琳娜是不是需要幫忙 Go see if Elena needs help in the kitchen. 480 知道嗎 You know what? 481 我要去看看廚房里埃琳娜是不是需要幫忙 I'm gonna go see if Elena needs some help in the kitchen. 482 很好 Great. 483 484 她不是人偶 She's not a puppet. 485 她不是供你玩弄的 She doesn't exist for your amusement, 486 也不是你想吸就吸的血袋 For you to feed on whenever you want to. 487 她當然是 Sure she does. 488 所有人都是 They all do. 489 我要他們怎樣他們就怎樣 They're whatever I want them to be. 490 他們都是給我隨意取用的 They're mine for the taking. 491 好吧 隨你怎樣吧 All right, you've had your fun. 492 你玩弄卡羅琳 阻撓我跟埃琳娜 You used Caroline, you got to me and Elena, 493 恭喜你盡興了 Good for you. 494 現在你該走了 Now it's time for you to go. 495 沒問題 That's not a problem. 496 不過 Because... 497 我受邀進來的 11/17页 明晚我還要過來 And I'll come back tomorrow night 499 后天晚上 And the following night 500 我會玩玩你那小啦啦隊員 And I'll do with your little cheerleader 501 想怎么玩就怎么玩 Whatever I want to do. 502 因為這對我來說是常事 Because that is what is normal to me. 503 今晚也不太糟 我玩得很開心 Tonight wasn't so bad. I had fun. 504 我怎么不覺得 Hmm. That makes one of us. 505 得了 Come on. 506 你哥哥不像你說的那么壞 Your brother isn't as bad as you make him out to be... 507 我肯定我哥哥體內還有一點人性留存 There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother. 508 在某個地方 Somewhere. 509 我仍抱有希望 I keep hoping. 510 但我怎樣才能讓他看到他的良知 But how do I make him see it? 511 512 瞧瞧你 穿一身球衣還蠻帥的嘛 Look at you. You look hot in your jersey. 513 怎么了 不當啦啦隊員了嗎 What happened? No more cheerleader? 514 我退出了 我半途而廢了 I quit. I'm a quitter. 515 別這么說 你不是半途而廢 No, hey, you're not a quitter. 516 你失去的太多了 和從前不一樣了 You suffered a great loss. You're not the same person. 517 你該向前看 You should be looking ahead. 518 你該重新開始 You should be starting over. 519 好嗎 Ok? 520 希望你不會覺得 I hope you don't think this is 521 太唐突或者不可思議 Too soon or too weird,but... 522 我 I,uh, 523 我想送你這個 I wanted you to have this. 524 天哪 太漂亮了 Oh, my god, it's beautiful. 525 526 在此之前我從來沒想過把它送人 And, uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now. 527 如果你戴上它我會非常高興的 I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me, 528 它能帶來好運 For...good luck. 529 我好像聞到了玫瑰花香 Is that rose that I smell? 530 不 這是種香草 No, it's, uh...it's an herb. 531 不錯吧 It's nice, huh? 532 我喜歡 I love it. 533 還有 And, uh, 534 我要謝謝你 I wanted to thank you 535 鼓勵我參加球隊 For pushing me to try out for the team. 536 我感覺很棒 It feels really good. 537 我們真是一對啊 We're a pair. 538 我退出了 你開始了 I quit, you start. 539 12/17页 540 我們的關系在慢慢發展 We're a working progress. 541 我們會理順的 We'll figure it out. 542 你沒有穿制服 是因為 And you're not in uniform because... 543 大家注意 Wait, wait,w ait, 544 注意了 注意了 安靜 安靜 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 545 說句實話 Wait. let's be honest here. 546 過去 我們常常任其它球隊 In the past, we used to let other teams 547 在我們的地盤上打得我們滿地找牙 Come into our town and roll right over us! 548 現在是改變的時候了 But that is about to change. 549 我們新近了幾個體育能人 We've got some great new talent 550 今晚 我們要開始進攻了 Tonight starting on the offensive line, 551 現在我告訴你們 And I'm gonna tell you right now, 552 我已經很長時間 It has been a long time 553 沒有看到 如此有才華的隊員了 With hands like these. 555 這下糟了 This blows. 556 他不能安排他首發 他才剛來 He can't start the guy. He just got here. 557 我們一直在等著 ...That have been waiting for us 558 等待這一場勝利 To put a check in the win column, 559 我只有一點要跟你們說 I have only one thing to say to you-- 560 你們的狼音隊很饑餓 Your Timberwolves are hungry. 561 你怎么了 Hey,you. What's wrong? 562 -沒事 -而雄獅隊 - Nothing. - And the Central High Lions 563 就是我們的晚餐 Are what's for dinner! 564 那是杰里米嗎 Is that Jeremy? 565 等會 別這樣 泰 Wait, no! Ty! No. 566 你在乎什么呢 Oh,what do you care? 567 別那么沮喪嘛 Don't look so down. You can have her when I'm done. 569 泰勒 住手 Tyler, stop it! 570 泰勒 住手 Tyler! Tyler,stop! 571 住手 Stop it! 572 住手 你打傷他了 Stop, you're hurting him! 573 泰勒 Tyler! 574 泰勒 住手 Tyler, stop! 575 泰勒 Tyler! 576 住手 泰勒 住手 Stop it! Tyler, stop! 577 -他已經倒地了 -夠了 - Hey, he's down! - Enough! 578 杰里米 別這樣 Jeremy, no! 579 -放開我 -住手 - Get off me! - Stop! 580 杰里米 你到底是 What the hell, Jeremy? 581 把頭抬起來 你在流血 Put your head up, you're bleeding. 582 13/17页 583 是的 你看上去像沒事嗎 Yeah, you smell fine. 584 住手吧 Just stop, ok? 585 老兄 別這樣 Come on, man. Come on. 586 天啊 你的手 Oh, my god, your hand. 587 沒事的 No, no, no, it's fine. 588 劃的深嗎 我看看有多嚴重 Is it deep? How bad is it? 589 我看看 Come on! 590 但我剛才明明看到 But...I saw it, it was... 591 他失手了 He missed. 592 不是我的血 It's not my blood. 593 -看 我很好 -不是這樣的 - See? I'm fine. - No, no, no. 594 我看到玻璃劃傷了你的手啊 I...I saw it. The glass cut your hand. It was... 595 沒事 我很好 It's ok. I'm ok. 596 要開球了 It's almost kick-off time, all right? 597 比賽后見 I'll,uh,I'll see you after the game. 599 蒂基 還是晃個不停 Hey, Tiki, it's all wobbly. 600 能不能讓它保持不動 Can you stand straight, please? 601 有誰能幫一下蒂基嗎 Could someone please help Tiki? 602 你到哪去了啊 Hey! Where you been? 603 我能問你個問題嗎 Can I ask you a question 604 不要開玩笑 認真回答我 And you give me a really serious no-joke response? 605 好 什么事 Of course. What is it? 606 那種不好的感覺 The bad mojo. 607 當你碰到斯特凡時 所感應到的 When you touched Stefan and you had that reaction... 608 你就忘了我說的那些話吧 You know what,forget I said that. 609 你們的小小晚餐聚會已經把我征服了 Your little dinner party plot totally won me over. 610 邦妮 說真的 那是什么感覺 No, Bonnie, seriously. What was it? 611 612 或者 Or... 613 那不是很清晰的圖像 It wasn't clear like a picture. 614 就像今天 我總能看到 Like today, I keep seeing 615 我告訴你的那些數字 Those same numbers I told you about-- 616 8,14,22. 8,14,22 617 -是啊 -我碰到斯特凡時 - Yeah? - When I touched Stefan, 618 有種感覺 It was a feeling. 619 使我震撼 很冷 而且 And it vibrated through me, and it was cold, and it... 620 而且什么 And what? 621 是死神 It was death. 622 我想象中的死神就是那樣的 It's what I imagine death to be like. 623 你嚇到我了 你在這干什么 You scared me. What are you doing here? 624 我在躲卡羅琳 I'm hiding from Caroline. 625 為什么呢 And why is that? 626 我想休息一下 I needed a break. 14/17页 我已經聽不下去了 She talks more than I can listen. 628 這就是她啊 That could be a sign. 629 她太年輕了 Well, she's awfully young. 630 也不比你年輕多少啊 Not much younger than you are. 631 我跟她在一起看不到有什么未來 I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture. 632 我覺得她要把我搞瘋了 I think she'd drive me crazy. 633 卡羅琳是有點 Caroline does have 634 讓人煩的小毛病 Some really annoying traits, 635 但我們一年級以來就是朋友 But we've been friends since the first grade 636 我們的友誼對我來說很重要 And that means something to me. 637 我明白的 抱歉如果讓你不高興 Duly noted. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. 638 并不是我的本意 That's not my intention. 639 你就是故意的 Yes, it is. 640 否則你不會弦外有音 Otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate 641 話中有話 Behind everything you say. 642 你是對的 You're right. 643 我有其它意圖 而且你也是 I do have other intentions, but so do you. 644 是嗎 Really? 645 我都明白 I see 'em. 646 其實你喜歡我 You want me. 647 你在說什么啊 Excuse me? 648 當我靠近你 你發現自己已經迷上了我 I get to you. You find yourself drawn to me. 649 你不愿想起我 You think about me even 650 而偏偏腦中全是我 When you don't want to think about me. 651 我打賭你一定還夢見過我 I bet you even dreamed about me. 652 而現在 And right now... 653 你想要吻我 You want to kiss me. 654 你發什么神經 What the hell?