

2016-07-25    12'42''

主播: 以沫 132

3693 158

我不能让他得到I won't let him have it. 必须毁掉它It must be destroyed. 等等Wait! 怎么回事What's happening? 不知道 这门开不开...I don't know. The door, it's not... 怎么回事What the hell? 我要离开这里I'm outta here. 怎么了What's wrong? -是邦妮 -怎么回事- It's Bonnie. - What happened? 她被艾米莉附体了Emily is possessing her. 她说了些什么She said something. 她说什么了What did she say? 她说 "我不能让他得到"She said, "I won't let him have it". "必须毁掉它""It must be destroyed," 然后她就走了And then she just left. 你觉得她会去哪儿Ok. Where do you think she went? 我不知道I don't know. 费尔教堂Fell's church, 邦妮梦中就是被她带去那里的That's where she took Bonnie in her dreams. 我们得帮帮她 斯特凡We have to help her, Stefan. 好的 好的 待在那儿All right. All right. Just stay there. 我现在去找她I'm gonna go and find her. 你好 艾米莉Hello, Emily. 你看起来不一样了You look different. 我不会让你得逞的I won't let you do it. 我们有约在先We had a deal. 现在情况变了Things are different now. 我要保护我的家族I need to protect my family. 我保护了你的家族I protected your family. 你欠我的You owe me. 我知道I know. 抱歉I'm sorry. 光说一句抱歉可不够You're about to be a lot more than that. 你大错特错 我比那可悲多了You're so wrong. I'm much more pathetic. 不不不 我比你惨的多Oh, no, no, no. I've got you beat. 我简直悲惨到家了I have pathetic down to a science. 不 我们还没说到高中呢Uh, no. We haven't even covered high school. 戴牙箍Braces, 胸太小"A" cup. 我呢 四眼田鸡 皮肤恶心Ah, glasses, skin condition. 你可以You can, uh... 不好意思 我今天不能请你进来了You know what? I'm not gonna invite you in. 杰里米在家Jeremy. 好吧 那就改天Well, some other time then. 晚安 珍娜Have a good night, Jenna. 你找到那些盒子了So, uh, you found the boxes. 是啊 我还找到了这个Yeah, I found this, too. 罗根和我Me and Logan. 你真残忍That's just cruel. 不 残忍的是你在跟我的历史老师约会No, cruel is dating my history teacher. 我没跟他约会I'm not dating him. 目前还没有Yet. 乔纳森·吉尔伯特日志 疼死我了It hurts. 这就是我要喝人血的理由This is why I feed on people. 斯特凡Stefan. 你好 艾米莉Hello, Emily. 镇上的人不该遭受如此劫难These people don't deserve this. 他们永远不该知道此类黑暗邪恶They should never have to know such evil. 邪恶是什么意思What do you mean evil? 艾米莉 我发誓会让你后悔的Emily, I swear to god I'll make you regret this. 我不会让你把他们放出来的I won't let you unleash them into this world. 他们Them? 你又隐瞒了什么 达蒙What part of the story did you leave out, Damon? 那又有什么关系What does it matter? 艾米莉 告诉我你干了什么Emily, tell me what you did. 为了救她To save her, 我必须救其他人I had to save them. 你救了当时教堂里的所有人You saved everyone in the church? 救了一个就都救了With one comes all. 我不在乎那些 我只要凯瑟琳I don't care about that. I just want Katherine. 我就知道我不该相信I knew I shouldn't have believed a single 你所说的任何一个字Word that comes out of your mouth. 你的所为与爱无关 对不对This isn't about love, is it? 你是为了复仇This is about revenge. 二者并不冲突The two aren't mutually exclusive. 达蒙 你不能这样做Damon, you can't do this. 为什么 他们杀了27个人Why not? They killed 27 people, 而且称它为战役And they called it a war battle. 他们罪有应得They deserve whatever they get. 27个吸血鬼 达蒙27 vampires, Damon. 他们是吸血鬼They were vampires. 你不能将他们释放出来You can't just bring them back. 镇上的人活该This town deserves this. 你将仇恨发泄到无辜的人身上You're blaming innocent people for something 事情都已经过去145年了That happened 145 years ago. 镇上的人一点也不无辜There is nothing innocent about these people, 别以为历史不会重演And don't think for a second it won't happen again. 他们已经知道很多事了They already know too much, 当他们发觉真相后 会烧死你的女巫后代And they'll burn your little grandwitch 也不会放过我们的 相信我Right next to us when they find out. Trust me.现在不同了Things are different now. 别这样Don't do this. 我不能释放他们I can't free them. 我不会的I won't. 烈火熊熊Incendia! 不要No! 不 不No. no. 不 求你了No, please. 邦妮Bonnie! 不No! 她还活着 但奄奄一息了 我能救她She's alive, but barely. I can save her. 她的脖子Her neck, 正在痊愈It's healing. 天啊God. 你来这里做什么What are you doing here? 你的窗户开着 我以为你知道Uh, your window was open. I thought you should know. 一点也不好玩Not funny. 听着 今天早些时候 我说谎了Look, earlier today, I lied. -什么谎 -和你躺在一张床上- About? - About being in bed with you. 我们抱在一起 我有点吓到了We cuddled, and it creeped me out. 吓到你了?It creeped you out? 我说 你是来羞辱我 还是来干嘛的I mean, did you just come over here to insult me or what? 那可是一个漫漫长夜啊Because it's been a really long night. 不 只是...我不喜欢你No, it's just that I... I don't like you. 我从没喜欢过你I never have, but... 但那感觉很好It was nice. 什么What? 和你一起在床上 那感觉很好Being in bed with you, it felt nice. 所以 我一直在想And so, I was thinking about it, 我想我应该告诉你And I thought that I should tell you 我那晚留下是因为你很忧伤孤独I stayed the night because you were all sad and alone 我为你感到难过And I felt bad for you. 好吧 多谢了Well, thank you, 我就喜欢被人可怜'Cause I love being a charity case. 你可以走了You can leave now. 不 我理解这种感觉No, because I know... 薇姬不告而别 我妈也跟皮特跑了With Vicki gone and my mom off with Pete whoever, 只留下我一人 所以It's just me, so... 我感同身受I know. 凯瑟琳从没强迫过我Katherine never compelled me. 每一步我都很清楚I knew everything every step of the way. 那对我来说很真实It was real for me. 我现在要走了I'll leave now. 我不懂 埃琳娜 刚才怎么了I don't understand, Elena, what happened to me. 他袭击了我He attacked me, and... 他的脸变了His face was like... 你感觉怎样 没事吧How do you feel? Are you ok? 我没事I'm fine. 只是这些血 我不知道It's... it's just this blood. I don't... 我不会伤害你的I'm not gonna hurt you. 怎么回事 埃琳娜What's going on, Elena? 我会向你解释一切的 邦妮 好吗I'll explain everything, Bonnie, ok? 我们先回家吧Let's just get out of here. 邦妮 邦妮 看着我Bonnie. Bonnie, look at me. 相信我Trust me. 他不会伤害你He's not going to hurt you. 来吧Come on. 快Come on. 上车Shh. Get in. 她会不会变成...Is she in danger of becoming... 不 只有当她死亡时 体内存在我的血液才可能No. No, she has to die with my blood in her system, 所以要密切留意她So keep an eye on her tight 确保她不会有事And make sure that nothing happens, 只要血液排出 她就没事了And once it leaves her system, she'll be fine. 我要告诉她真相I'm gonna tell her the truth. 你确定吗You sure? 我信任她I can trust her. 我需要有个人让我倾诉I need someone to know, someone to talk to. 我不能活在秘密里I can't live in secret. 我理解I know. 你也不该活在秘密里Shouldn't have to. 你救了她的命You saved her life. 抱歉 斯特凡 我原以为I'm sorry, Stefan. I thought that... 不能和你在一起 但其实我可以的I couldn't be with you, but I can. 你不用把我推开You don't have to push me away. 我可以做到的I can do this. 但我做不到I can't. 我...我得走了 埃琳娜I, uh... I have to leave, Elena. 太多人死了Too many people have died. 太多事发生了Too much has happened. 什么 不What? No. 我知道你以为你在保护我 但...I know you think you're protecting me, but 我必须得走I have to. 回来是...Coming home was... 是一个错误It was a mistake. 我不能再成为你生活中的一部分了I can't be a part of your life anymore. 别走 斯特凡Don't go, Stefan. 求你...Please... 你不需要离开 小镇就是你的家You don't have to. This is your home. 求你别走You...just please don't go. 再见 埃琳娜Good-bye, Elena. 你就这样一走了之吗You're just gonna walk away? 别走 斯特凡Don't walk away, Stefan! 斯特凡Stefan! 你好 珍娜Hello, Jenna.