

2018-05-05    02'38''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

233 1

初级班第八课:不要为别人的错误而惩罚自己 Sometimes we made some really stupid choices.有时候我们会做出一些非常愚蠢的决定。 We hang around with some people who are really bad.我们会与一些很坏的人一块玩。 They always do some ridiculous things and get themselves into trouble.他们会做一些很无厘头的事而惹上麻烦。 They seem to be very tough but it’s not the truth .他们看起来很厉害但事实上并不是。 To be honest ,they are rude ,impolite and totally pathetic . 老实说,他们粗鲁又没礼貌,他们可悲之极。 They would say something really mean to hurt the innocent people.他们会说一些很刻薄的话去伤害无辜的人。 When we hear those words, our feelings are hurt.当我们听到那些话时,我们的感情受到伤害。 We are tortured by those awful words day after day.日复一日,我们被这些可怕的语言伤害着。 But remember ,don't punish yourself with somebody else's mistakes.但请记住,不要因为别人的过错而惩罚自己。