初级班第九课:我的朋友是个怪人my friend is a weirdo.

初级班第九课:我的朋友是个怪人my friend is a weirdo.

2018-05-12    02'38''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

384 0

初级班第九课:我的朋友是个怪人my friend is a weirdo. One of my friends is a true weirdo .我的朋友是一个真正的怪人。 He is so different from the people around him.他和周边的朋友很不一样。 He always does strange things and gets into big trouble.他经常做一些奇怪的事,惹上很大的麻烦。 He is a lazy bone and never gets up on time.他是一个懒骨头,从来不能按时起床。 He is always late for school and gets punished by the teacher.他经常上学迟到而被老师惩罚。 He is the worst student in all exams and sports games.他在所有考试一体育运动当中都是最差的学生。 The weirdest thing is that he never cares about all these things.最怪异的地方是他从来不关心这些事情。 He seems to be carefree and doesn’t give anything a shit.他好像无所忧虑,对什么事都不屑一顾。 I wish someday he will control himself and be a normal people.我希望有一天,他会控制自己,做一个正常的人。