

2019-02-24    01'20''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

201 1

中级班第一课:缓解上学焦虑 Anxiety about going back to school is often caused by stress返校焦虑通常是由于压力造成的。 These concerns can be caused by relationships with other pupils这些担忧可能是由与其他小朋友的关系。 Starting secondary school is a trigger. 刚开始上初中也是触发因素。 You have lots of different teachers, different expectations and you find yourself with a whole new group of children. 任课老师很多,他们对你的期望也有所不同,你会发现身边都是新的小伙伴。 You have to get used to a bigger environment and some don't find it easy to adapt to that change.你必须习惯一个更大的环境,而有些学生觉得很难适应这一变化。 If anxiety means you do not go to school at all, then all sorts of problems can build up quickly. 如果焦虑意味着他们不用去上学,那各种各样的问题就会接踵而至。 It is important to get into the school routine as quickly as possible. 尽快适应学校的常规时间表非常重要。 Try to stick to the normal routine at your school 试着坚持学校的常规流程。 If the problem cannot be solved with support from the school, request urgent help from an educational psychologist through the school or your local authority. 如果问题在校方的支持下也无法解决,您可以通过校方或地方当局向教育心理学家寻求帮助。