初级班第二课: Achieve your goal达到你的目标

初级班第二课: Achieve your goal达到你的目标

2019-03-01    02'38''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

314 0

初级班第二课: Achieve your goal达到你的目标 There are three powerful steps that you can use to set and achieve your goals .有三个强大的步骤可以让你设定和达到目标。 Making a list and organizing your list is the first step.列一张表以及整理你的列表是第一步。 Making a list of everything that you can think of can help you see the distance to your goal.将你想到的事情列一个表,有助于你看清与目标之间的距离。 The second step is setting a deadline for your goal.第二步是为达到目标设一个期限。 A deadline acts as a monitoring system in your mind. 期限的作用就像是你头脑中的监控系统。 It motivates you to do the things necessary to make your goal come true.它会激励你去做必要的事,让你实现目标。 Only thinking without action has no use for you to achieve success.光想不做对你达到成功是没用的。 In some cases, taking action means more than your thoughts. 在一些情况下,采取行动比你的想法更有用。 Do something every single day that moves you in the direction of your most important goals.每天做一些有用的事情,让你向重要目标慢慢前进。