

2019-03-31    01'46''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

264 0

中级班第六课:趁着年轻做自己想做的事(一) My advice, do whatever you can while you're young.It really does get harder as you get older,我的建议是,趁年轻去做自己想做的任何事,随着年岁增长,你会越来越难于抽身去做这些事。 There comes a point in your life when you stop looking forward at the possibilities of what you could be.在生命中某个特定的时刻,你不再对未来充满期望,不再憧憬自己会变成什么模样。 You can end up depressed, stuck in a dead end because you can't make any progress forward. 你可能会陷入抑郁,停滞不前,因为你已经走进了死胡同,无法再向前走。 People say never give up on your dreams, but that's unrealistic. 人们常说,永远不要放弃自己的梦想,但这并不现实。 Sometimes you outgrow your dreams and lose motivation to achieve it. 却失去了继续下去的动力,因为你觉得自己的收获不值得自己付出的艰辛劳动 It's easy to wander in darkness without a way forward, to become depressed when your dreams don't come true. 当你的梦想已经破灭,或者发生了类似的情况,你可以放弃抵抗,任自己在绝望的黑暗中游荡,停滞不前,失魂落魄,灰心丧气。 The most important skill is finding your way when all hope is lost.最重要的技能是,在你深陷绝望时,如何找到出口, Break big goals down into steps and if you get stuck on a step for any period of time,把大的目标分解成一个一个小步骤,如果你在此过程中,在某个步骤上卡住了, it's time to re-evaluate what's going on and figure something else out. 此时你应该做的,是重新评估事情的进展,想想还有什么其他的方案