A few tips for learning English 学习英语的几个小窍门!

A few tips for learning English 学习英语的几个小窍门!

2017-04-07    02'15''

主播: 跟Steven老师学英语

194 4

Wechat ID/微信号: stevenxingchinese A few tips for learning English ! Ladies and Gentlemen , today I'd like to share a few tricks for learning English with you . First , try to speak English as much as possible . This will train your tongue muscle . Second , trust your ability . Don't be trapped by shyness . Third , don't let grammar trouble you . Don't be trapped by grammar rules . The more sentence s you speak , the more natural the grammar rules will become . Actually , the truth is there are no tricks in learning English . You must try your very best to practice . Remember , what pains us trains us . Thanks for your kind attention . I hope you will try to speak English from today ! 女士们,先生们,今天我想和大家分享一些学习英语的诀窍。第一, 尽量多说英语,这会训练你的舌部肌肉。第二,相信你的能力,不要害怕说,不要被羞怯困住。第三, 不要让语法烦恼你,不要被语法规则困住。说的越多,语法规则就会变得越自然。事实上,学习英语是没有诀窍的,你必须竭尽全力去操练。记住:使我们痛苦的东西在真正的锻造着我们。谢谢大家关注。希望你们能从今天开始努力说英语!